The YMCA Summer Dance Workshop

Our first dance workshop was very successful! My sister, sister-in-law and son participated as well as a handful of other girls! We had 12 students total I believe! Way more then we had originally thought! Class went very well too, the students learned six different styles of dance. They were all tired and happy at the end of it all! Great first workshop!

Having not taken ballet classes in over five years, I had forgotten about the sacred rule about new shoes: you should never were them brand spanking new to a class, your feet will hate you. Dance shoes take prep, lots of them are hard or stiff brand new and some may need some minor sewing done before use. I had purchased new ballet shoes and a leotard for my upcoming lyrical class this Fall, but spaced breaking them in before the workshop. I forgot to sew the elastics and ended up tying them underneath my arches. OUCHIE!!! It hurt so good! I have definitely broken them in since then. But man, that two hours I had to wear them STUNK!

We started with Miss Alice's Ballet class, where we were a pretty garden and did some barre work. Then we had my Lyrical class, where we learned a dance to Christina Aguleira's Beautiful. After Lyrical we had Miss Jenna's Jazz class, where we danced to birdy music from the movie Rio and learned to "shake it out" thanks to the Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Remix. I taught my Hip Hop class next, where we learned a Michael Jackson combination to Black or White that the kids loved! We then had Miss Jenna's Tap class, where the students learned the shuffle and flap steps. We also learned a cute little tap combo that I loved! We finished off the workshop with my Breakdancing class, where I taught them two toprock moves, one downrock move and a freeze.

Alan participated in the Ballet class and part of my Lyrical class. He did very well in the ballet class! He even impressed Miss Alice! I accredit some of this to Theo's mini ballet class on Friday! Good job Alan, I think you will do great in my hip hop class this Fall! Make me proud big guy lol!
I am a complete dork and didn't have anyone take a single picture of me teaching, once AGAIN!! But I did get a few from Miss Jenna's classes that I bet she won't mind me posting! And an awesome group photo too! Here they are!

Miss Jenna teaching the students her Rio combination. Fly, little birdies!

Tapping in a big circle with Miss Jenna!

Tapping on the barre with Miss Jenna! So much fun!

I want to thank everyone who helped make this workshop happen: Miss Alice, Miss Jenna, our director Mindy, the Y staff, our lovely students and their amazing parents. Thank you guys for making this so succesful for us! We will definitely be doing a Fall workshop and hope to see you all in class this Fall! Here is our group photo, only missing Aunt April, Alan and Miss Alice!

Tune in tomorrow to hear how our last day at the Montana Fair went! The kids and I had a great time, even though Alan decided he didn't want to go to the rodeo this year. It was still Anna's first time riding on the carnival rides!


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