Nostalgia is For Geeks...

Weird title, I know, but I felt the need to theme my title specifically to my weekend and well, what a better way to do it then with a lyric line from one of Gaga's songs? "I've overheard your theory, 'Nostalgia is for geeks' I guess sir, if you say so, some of us just like to read" You see, I like Lady Gaga as much as the next person, er dancer, although I am not a huge fan of hers, I respect and appreciate her music and enjoy her performances. She, like Michael Jackson, is a phenomenal performer! I would just die to see one of her live shows! She is such a freak, and in such a beautiful way. You have to keep reading if you want to know why I am talking Gaga so much lol! Anyways this weekend, I was given the most amazing experiences ever for my job! I teach dance and gymnastics at our local YMCA and now that we are under new management in our department, we took advantage and invited a famous gymnast to come train me and three other teachers. ...