Anna Ariel: Fourteen Months Old

Miss Anna has grown up so much this past month! Its crazy! She is such a big girl now, she walks and talks just like her big brother... we are in so much trouble lol! Mister Benton will be two months in a week too! How crazy fast they are growing!

At fourteen months, Anna Ariel:

*Weighs 21 pounds and is approximetly 28 inches long (I will get her exact height at her doctor's appointment next month, but her weight is accurate from her last appointment)

*Wears Size 12M in onesies, skirts and shorts but can still fit in some 9M shorts and skirts. For diapers, she still is in Size 3.

*Has shoulder length, red ish auburn colored hair with two big red streaks across the top. I love her bright orange hair!

*Has blue ish hazel colored eyes with a yellow ring around the edge. Her eyes are a perfect combination of Lon's and mine!

*Still only has the two teeth. Man, these teeth are a pain! She has been actively teething for months now and with nothing to show from it. Poor girl!

*Eats everything that we do. She has the same breakfast as we do, same lunch as we do and the same dinner as we do. She will even have the same kinds of snacks! Grocery shopping has gotten a lot easier for me now lol!

*Has been nursing for fourteen months now, although this may be her last month. She is down to only wanting to nurse at night before bed. She will nurse for a half hour or longer and its been our major bonding period as of late. I will definitely miss it when its gone.

*Has grown up so much this past month! She is now walking EVERYWHERE and talks all the time. She has also started trying to climb everything and has really wanted to be able to jump too. She will bounce her knees over and over again, trying to get a big jump out of them. Silly girl! She is a big toddler girl now though!

*Still sleeps through night pretty consistently, although nap times are not so well. She will usually sleep from 8 pm to around 8 or 9 in the morning. But for naps, she will usually only sleep for about an hour in the day. Blah, hope she's not done with naps by 18 months like her brother was!

*Can say, "Mama, Dada, BruhBruh (Alan), Bobba (Bottle), No, Yeah, Eat, Hi, ByeBye, Boo, April, Gramma, Papa, GumGum (Thank You) and What"

*Likes dancing, baby dolls, bows, flowers, Princess Sophia, Abby Cadabby, shopping, her Aunts, playing in the park, puppies, the color pink and purple, her brother, and being a big kid!

Happy fourteen months Anna Ariel!

Mama, Daddy and Alan all love you more then you will ever know! Here's to many more months and years together! Yay big girl! :) We have had a pretty slow week this week but we are preparing to move again! And this weekend we will be getting family photos done. Tune in on Monday to see all of them! Its been over a year since we have had our last ones! Anna was only a month old! Gah, I am so behind!


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