Another Dancer in the Andersen House

Poor Miss Anna was sick today! She woke up with some BM issues and a fever. We aren't sure still if it was just teething or a real virus. So Lon stayed at home with her while Alan and I went to dance class and daycare for the day. I felt bad but she did just fine with Daddy all day. They are good buddies!

Alan had such an awesome first day of dance! He was such a great student! Unfortunately due to some computer scheduling problems with our system, he was the only student in class. :/ We should have everything cleared up by next week though! He even got an apple sticker for doing so well! This mama is soooooooooo proud of her little BBoy!

I also started my dance classes today! I am so excited for this new session! I met almost all of my students tonight and cannot wait to inspire these bright minds! We have so much planned for this session: our traditional Thriller performance, our second ever pizza party and our first ever Nutcracker performance! Yay! We started the session with our locking program, I don't have a lot of good locking music so I used a harder Daft Punk song. It did the job nicely, I so loved this choreography and I think the students did too! It was a great day at the studio!

I have also been going through all of our dance supplies and organising them. We have so much cool stuff! I plan on definitely using more of the shoes and dance costumes in the future! Saw a lot of great ones while sorting! Very cool!

I just cannot believe that tomorrow Alan will be four. If I thought I had issues with Anna growing up, man! I just can't handle him growing up as fast as he has been lately! Its too much for my Mommy heart lol! I have realized that the root of this problem is mainly that he is growing up to the point of no longer ALWAYS needs his mommy. He has been with me almost always since he was born, now that he's four years old he won't always be under my care. What am I supposed to do now? Take care of ONLY Anna lol? I dunno!

I will be okay, its just one of those many things I have to figure out for myself and overcome with having generalized anxiety. I feel like he will not need me but I need to remember that Alan will always need me, just in different ways. So I embrace him turning four years old and getting older! I love you Alan, happy birthday handsome man!


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