Being Positive Through all the Hardships

I cannot post about Color me Rad today, I have something much more important to post about. I apologize for anyone who was looking forward to it. The Color me Rad post will be on Thursday most likely. Keep an eye for it!

Yesterday, we had court with our landlord. Since it is mostly said and done, I will share the basics with you all. I still do not want to share all the horrid details with you because I try so hard to keep this blog a positive forum for my family and my readers. But I am compelled to share the basics with you. We lost the case, our landlord had a lawyer and a good one too, probably very expensive. Even the judge wasn't pleased with outcome. We have to be completely out of the house by tomorrow at 5 pm. We also owe him a good sum of money apparently, which I don't agree with the most.

This landlord, this man, put a young family of four out on the streets because he is stubborn and money greedy. We have no place to live now and have struggled almost all day yesterday to find somewhere, at least for the kids. Currently, the kids and I are staying in my old room at my parent's house. We crammed Anna's crib and most of our possessions into that small basement bedroom. There is no room for Lon, Alan and I share a bed! We are hoping that Lon can stay with his family but we are getting desperate. These are all only temporary living set ups too. Needless to say, I don't have anything nice to say about our landlord... I really struggle to control my anger and remember my peace and clarity. He put my family out on the streets!

However, I refuse to let him win by admitting defeat or becoming angry. I am stronger then that, I have more control. My children deserve better then that. Lon and I choose to be happy about this move for our children, we choose to be postive about the whole situation. At least we still have our family as a whole. At least we have support from our family and friends. At least we are out of that horrible house and away from that awful man! At least Lon and I still have our wonderful, stable jobs. At least Alan and Uncle Kalvin think its a sleepover. At least Lon and I both have cars now. I need to be positive about what we do have right now!

Moving is hard though, and a lot harder if its last minute and unplanned. I have really tried my best to keep things organized and labeled, but at some point we just need to get it all out of there. I feel crazy, like I cannot focus on one thing at a time. We still have to move everything out to four different places in town, make sure the children continue with their normally scheduled lives, cancel the utilities, still try to stay on shift as much as we physically can, cancel our dish system, switch our mail over, notify the kid's insurance, find a lawyer and then maybe look for a new house? Oh my insanity! :/ And I wonder why I can't seem to keep a straight thought? Oooh I like that! We'll just refer to it as the insanity from now on...

With all the stress and obvious "insanity," I gave up and bought "out" our dinner the other night at Grains of Montana. It was actually quite good! I got the Mediterranian Chicken Sandwich with roasted red peppers, pesto, artichoke hearts and sun dried tomatoes! Holy yum! Definitely a good choice on my part! I even had leftovers for lunch the next day! Double score!

We also had Alan's Preschool field trip to the zoo today. Anna and I still went with the group because I was determined to keep the kids' lives normal despite "the insanity." We had a wonderful time with Alan's classmates, I loved getting to watch him interact with everyone! Anna was also quite popular, all the kids wanted to walk with her stroller and hold her hand. Made Alan very jealous actually lol! It was all fun. :) I will make a point to post in depth about his trip on Friday or next Monday. I have soooooooo many photos to share!

I just need to always remember, no matter what we stick together. We stand together through the weather, we are strong and will prevail! I love you so much Lon, Alan and Anna!


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