Even the Storm of the Year Couldn't Rain on Alan's Birthday Party!!

We had an awful thunderstorm Saturday night. Heavy rain and hail, high winds, flash flooding and rolling black outs. We had no power for over seven hours that night, but we fared off WAY better then others in Billings. I have a friend who's basement flooded 8 feet, leaving only the top two feet of the ceiling exposed! Others had stuff blown away and destroyed, and there are tree branches all over!
I had planned on getting all of the party stuff together Saturday, but the power outages didn't allow that. So I was scrambling Sunday morning, trying to get everything set up! Only a few hours before his party, flash flood and thunderstorm warnings were issued for our area. Guests were dropping from the party like flies. We cancelled the Water Gun Fight and planned to do a pinata that the kids could fight lol. But I was still worried about how it all would go. Let me tell you, it went great!

Here are all the pinata photos! Sorry I will warn everyone now, this post will be a photo dump lol. But all the kids are cute at least!

We had only light finger foods for the party, but they were perfect for the young kids! We had cupcakes for dessert, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Spiderman ones. Even red velvet mini cupcakes for the adults! I was pretty happy with our food choices lol, I think everyone else also enjoyed them as well.

Anna running away from the party lol. She was everywhere!

I think Alan just loved it when we all got together around him and sang him "Happy Birthday". He had a HUGE smile on his face the whole time. He didn't eat much of his cupcake, I think he was too interested in playing with all of his friends. Oh well, he will still have some leftovers to enjoy all week! Silly boy!

Anna even enjoyed big brother's cupcakes! She got real messy lol!

Alan also got so many great gifts from everyone! We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family! You all spoiled him! Thank you guys, he didn't need all of these awesome toys (we don't have the room for the ones we have now lol) but we sure do appreciate them! You guys are the best! Grandma Melanie and Grandpa Kevin even bought him a SuperMan costume for the party and to add to his costume box at home. Too cool!

A big thank you to everyone who made Alan's party special! You are all so amazing! Aunt April made his decorations cute, Grandma Melanie and Grandpa Kevin helped make the food and cupcakes fabulous, Daddy helped with the pinata and ran the game, the superhero costumes were all SO CUTE, and the gifts were so great. Thanks everyone! We love you so much! Here is a photo of all of the SuperKids who attended the party! And look at that, three tries and I got ALL of them looking at me! Big mommy score!!

I am a little behind on posting it, but tune in tomorrow for Anna's fourteenth month post. She keeps growing like mad too! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!! :)


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