My Wonderful Family Through the Years

Tomorrow is a hectic day for my family. I do not like to share super negative stuff on here, but we do have civil court with our landlord. We do not know how it will all go in the end, we can only stay positive, share our side of the story and hope for the best. I know that we are right and we will be okay no matter what. Those things are the most important to me! If you are the praying type, I am asking everyone to please pray for the judge's clarity tomorrow. Everyone else, please send us good vibes and positive energies. Being Taoist Budhist, I believe very much so in the strong power of energies, both positive and negative. Tomorrow, my family and I need all the good, positive energy we can get for this case! Thank you all so much, you know I love you guys!

Don't think I will be posting at all tomorrow, so tune in Tuesday for my Color me Rad 2013 post! I am so excited to share it with you, I had such a wonderful time and worked real hard with some great people. I love volunteering! Even if only for a run, its just such a good feeling to give to people and expect nothing back. I definitely encourage everyone to go out and volunteer sometime! Lots of places are always looking for volunteers, ask around! And check out the Color me Rad 5k if you haven't yet! Its one of the BEST, most beautiful, most inspiring runs you will ever experience! Wow! I love it more every year! Yes!

So to make up for all of this lack of posting, I will share with you my family photo timeline! Lol, not all of these are professional photos, I will have to get a few of those online before I can post something like that. And I don't seem to have very many photos of Lon and I in 2008, weird lol. Or any with his long, gorgeous, curly hair! Dang! Regardless, here ya go! Our Family through the years!

Oh I love it so much! To see how our family has grown and changed through the years! I like the change from 2011 to 2012 though, I totally didn't look pregnant at all in those Christmas photos and then BAM! Anna is in the 2012 picture lol! So awesome!


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