The Night Before Preschool

...and all though the house, everyone was sleeping but mommy was freaking out.

Yes, you heard me right. I am panicking about my son going to Preschool tomorrow. Will the teachers understand him? Will the other kids like him? Will he listen and follow directions? Will he forget where the bathroom is and have an accident? Will he run off from the group?

I just need to CALM DOWN and breathe. I know he will be okay, I just need to stop overthinking about it. I have done everything in my physical mother ability to prepare him for tomorrow. We have been reviewing our letters and numbers and colors and shapes. He is fully potty trained now! :) He has a brand new pair of glasses that fit him! He had a big, healthy dinner. Showered, brushed his teeth, and read a story to him. He even went to bed early! He will be fine! I am just a worry wort!

I also took the kids somewhere special today for the Last Day of Summer. We walked down to Terry Park and played in the waterpark for some time, then played on the playground for a bit. It was the perfect way to end our summer together! I only wish Lon could have gone with us, he was working though. Some of Alan's friends from daycare showed up at the waterpark, Alan was excited to see them and play with them in the water. Anna didn't get wet but she enjoyed the walk and played on the playground with her brother.

Here are some pictures from our day! I will be looking at them tomorrow while I am missing my boy.

Tune in tomorrow to see how Alan's day at Preschool went!


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