Happy Birthday Handsome Boy!

Today is Alan's fourth birthday! Happy birthday handsome man! Mama, Daddy and Anna love you more then you will ever know! I hope your day is as amazing as you are!

I know that I say this ALL the time but I am going to say it again, WHERE HAS ALL THIS TIME GONE?!?!?! Lol I can remember the day of his birth like it was yesterday! I woke up that morning still in heavy labor, thinking it was time to call into work (yes, I still planned on working my open shift for Chuck E Cheese up until that point lol). When I called, they told me that they had double scheduled me because it was my actual due date! I hadn't realized that until they had told me. Right then, I made myself a pact that 37 hours of labor was long enough and that I would HAVE this baby before the end of the day! :) I was right about that, but it took another whole twelve hours before he came!

I was just about to give in and get the painkillers, I was so tired and crying about everything, when my OB came in and said it was time to push. I delivered Alan at 10:23 pm that night, after several stressful minutes of pushing. Alan had the cord wrapped around his neck and we had no way of knowing, his little heart rate kept dropping in the birth canal. Thankfully, he came out just in time! He was a healthy sweet boy after that! Oh Alan, we are so glad to have you in our lives!

Alan had his second day of preschool today! He was also chosen to bring snacks because it was his birthday! We brought sliced apples and carmel for dipping, with cool animal plates for the kids to eat off of! It was such a great idea for snack and he thought of it all by himself! :) His teachers even gave him a crown with his name on it! He had a wonderful time in class. Here are some photos of him from his class today!

Then Alan had another birthday surprise in store for him! His friend who couldn't come to his party, Tatum, had met up with us to wish Alan a happy birthday and to give him his birthday gift. It was so nice to see her! And she sure spoiled him too! She gave Alan so many little goodies! A spinny ball, clay, coloring books with crayons, and some more little treats! Thanks Quirk family, we appreciate the present! We will have to get together again soon!

I had to do one of these on here, especially since everyone in my WTE group already posted one of their four year olds on FB. So here is Alan, from birth to now! Happy birthday sweet guy, we love you so much!

At four years old, Alan:

Weight: approximetly 39 pounds, I will post a more acurate weight when we go to the doctor

Height: approximetly 40 inches tall, I will post a more acurate height when we go to the doctor

Hair: Short blonde hair, just got it cut!

Eye Color: Blue ish hazel colored eyes

School and Grade: Preschool at the Billings Family YMCA

Extracurricular Activities: Gymnastics, Hip Hop Dance Class and Swimming Lessons

Favorite Movie: Any superhero movies!

Favorite Color: Blue and Black

Favorite Animal: Puppies and kitties

Favorite Food: Chicken nuggets and a hot dog with chips and pizza

What He Wants to Be When He Grows Up: A Traveler or Explorer like Dora and Diego are! He also wants to drive the car when he's older!

Happy birthday Alan! Mama, Daddy and Anna all love you to the stars and back!


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