A Very Hip Hop Christmas! Alan's Winter Showcase

Alan had his last dance performance tonight. He was quite nervous at the beginning but overall he did very well. I am so proud of him and my other students! They have worked very hard these past few months, and tonight they shined like the amazing stars that they are! Great job kiddos! 

Rather then jabber and be all sentimental mom-like, I will just leave you with the videos of the three dances and some photos. They aren't the greatest quality, my father didn't know exactly how to use my phone. But he did a good job! The first one has a little bit of me doing the introduction, I sound so weird lol! Enjoy!

"Christmas Wrapping"

They kids did so great with this dance! This was our only fully choreographed piece and all of my students remembered all the steps! Alan took a break halfway through to drum on his present a bit lol, but even he did most of the dance!

"Santa Gangnam Style"

This was our interpretation of Psy's "Oppa Gangnam Style" for Christmas! Each student had some time to do a little solo and then we all came out as Santas. The crowd loved it! Everyone did so great with their solos too, Mister Alan got nervous and froze up at the beginning of his solo lol (probably because of the big audience we had, we were almost packed full). But then I went out and danced with him. He did great after that! I think he was just a little nervous of performing alone with that big crowd.

The Finale: "YMCA"

We always do the YMCA song for our finale, it has been tradition since our first showcase! The kids love dancing to the song anyways, they cheer whenever I put it on in class. They did quite well for the finale too, I think! I am just so darn proud of all of them! Great job class, way to work hard!

The whole hip hop crew

Alan did such a great job for his last dance performance for a while! I am so proud of him! He had a lot of people out there who came to support and watch him tonight too. Special thanks goes out to Lon, Anna, Aunt Ariel, Grandma Melanie, Grandpa Kevin, Uncle Kalvin, his preschool teacher and his daycare teacher! You all helped motivate him to perform and celebrated his successes with him!

Uncle Cameron will be in town tomorrow! We are so excited to see him! It is also the hip hop Christmas party at the Village Inn. Alan will be quite busy tomorrow with his family and friends!


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