Seasame Street Live with the Cousin

The remainder of our Thanksgiving weekend was fantastic! Aunt Natalie, Uncle Jake and Benton came into town and we spent all day with them. We even went to Seasame Street Live with them! It was a wonderful weekend for everyone. We were so glad that Uncle Jake and Aunt Natalie could make it into town!

Seasame Street Live was so awesome too. It was a newly themed show this time, about a music teacher and making music with things around us. I just loved the whole concept, being a musician and music lover myself! Alan, Anna and Benton also enjoyed it very much. It was both Anna and Benton's first Seasame Street Live, I think Benton thought he was watching one big tv lol! Anna wouldn't sit down the whole time, she was up walking around the aisles and dancing everywhere. Silly girl!

Benton, Aunt April, Anna, Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake at the show

Silly Benton fell asleep halfway through the performance too! He snuggled right into dad with his Elmo under his arm, sooooooooo sweet! I seriously love spending time with him! Uncle Kalvin and Alan had a good time as well, Alan was so surprised to be going to see his favorite morning tv show characters! We bought him on of those spinning light up things, he was in heaven lol. Uncle Kalvin enjoyed it, though he wouldn't probably admit it lol. Aunt April, Aunt Natalie and I all ended up critiquing the dancers that perform, like we always do lol. We know what it is to perform. :) Uncle Jake just enjoyed being with his family!

Uncle Kalvin, Alan and Grandma Melanie at the show. I didn't catch them looking too excited lol, but they all did have a great time.

The show was also pretty good. I do always enjoy me some Seasame Street, they are great teachers too my children and I love how diverse they are. My family has been watching Seasame Street since I was a kid, both of my kids love watching it too! And Mister Benton as well, we all can learn something from Seasame Street. :) I can't wait until we can take the kids again!

And once again, it was such an amazing thing to be able to spend my whole day with all of my family. We were only missing Grandpa Kevin and Lon from the family, but we had all of my siblings, my children and my nephew all together! I am so blessed! Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake had to leave town the next day, but it was so great to see them! Hopefully we will get to see them again soon! Love you three, hope your trip home was safe and uneventful!

Cousins and aunts!!!

It has been quite the Winter Wonderland these past few days. It snowed hard Monday night and has been in the low digits ever since. We have had icy roads and crazy blizzarding off and on weather, but its officially winter in Montana! Bring it on! I love this weather, I was practically raised a snow bunny. I am so happy this beautiful snowy weather is here! I mean look at this photo I posted on IG (no filter), it is gorgeous out! Man, we are so lucky to live in the Big Sky!

I have been busy preparing and planning our Christmas showcase for my hip hop class this month. I have some BIG plans for it this year! We are having a bigger venue, using props, having toy or food donations for admission, and even have a costume change. To say that I am excited is an understatement. I CANNOT WAIT!!!!


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