Oh Christmas Tree

This weekend we helped my parents pick out and decorate their Christmas tree. Ever since we were kids, we have had a real tree. My first fake tree was when I moved in with Lon lol, I love real trees! Maybe when we have our own house we will get a real tree. However, Alan has never had the opportunity to pick out a Christmas tree and those are some of my favorite memories as a child. So when my dad invited us, I took him up on the offer right away!

We looked all over the lot and found the perfect one in the corner. Its a nice fat and fluffy one, Alan and Uncle Kalvin did a great job picking it out! It was quite dark out, so I struggled getting a good photo. We tried taking one under the spotlights though and it turned out perfect! It looks like there is already a star on top! Wow, I impressed even myself lol!

We helped them decorate as well. It was interesting seeing all the ornaments from my childhood: the clay ornaments from my Aunt Sheila, the carousel horse bells from Uncle Wade, all the school made ornaments for my parents. So cool. I am not gonna lie, I miss our tree and ornaments. I wish we had a tree this year, it feels weird that my children are sharing one with my siblings. But we have a tree and I am grateful for that. Lon still wants to get the kids a little tree for their bedroom this year too.
I finished writing the remainder of my Christmas cards and we made some chocolate chip cookies too. It was a good finish to our weekend and a nice prep for Christmas. Somehow, I only got pictures of the children decorating on my camera. Drats! Oh well, I can always upload them later.

We have a busy last week before Christmas vacation. Today, Alan has his gymnastics showcase, Lon will be joining us too! Wednesday is Alan's last class of hip hop and one of his classmates' birthdays. Thursday is the YMCA Preschool Christmas Party and Alan's last class until 2014. Then Friday is the Hip Hop Winter Showcase, Alan's last performance in some time because he will be participating in basketball in January. It is quite a busy last week before Christmas vacation for us all, but I sure am excited! Both kids should have a great time and not be so worried about when Santa is coming! Its all they've been asking about all week long. :P He will be here soon!


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