The Best of 2013

Happy New Year! Are you glad that 2013 is over, or sad that it is leaving us so soon? Personally, I am glad that its over and extremely welcoming to 2014. We had a very rough year with losing our house in court, becoming homeless, losing Great Grandpa Louie, and with Anna's dog bite. 2013 was quite hard on us, but there were lots of good things that happened too. Benton was born, I became a certified gymnastics instructor, Lon was promoted to manager at the Village Inn. It was just another year for us, but we sure are ready for the next one! Bring it on 2014! I hope this year brings us a new house among many more positive things!

We aren't doing anything too special today, Lon and I both work in the morning. We will probably celebrate with my parents later tonight, but will most likely turn in before midnight like we always do lol. This is why we had our date on Sunday! :) Alan and Anna are still totally stoked that its a holiday today though. I am hopefully going to take them to the mall either today or tomorrow to play in the play area for a bit, then go spend their gift cards at Build-A-Bear. I haven't told them yet, it will be my little surprise! Alan knows something is up for sure though lol. He said to me this morning, "Mom, is it Christmas again?" lol! They don't really understand what the New Year is, but are still excited regardless.

Since the New Year is coming up, I figured I would do the typical thing and write a review of our 2013 year. Last year, I posted a Top 12 posts of 2012 which was fun. I didn't want to do a Top 13 posts though this year. I thought and I thought and I decided to just do a month-by-month review of this year, since so many things had happened. So I hope that you enjoy!

2013, in Review


Alan caught Influenza A and was sick at his New Year's Day craft party.
I break my phone by dropping it twice. Sweet.
Alan started gymnastics at the Billings Gymnastics School.
Aunt Natalie came to town for a visit.
Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake announced their pregnancy with Benton.


CHD Awareness Week!
Alan had his Preschool Screening which determined he would need glasses. 
                                                    Swan Lake date with Mom and Aunt April.
Anna's friend Karter was born!
Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake announced that they were going to have a boy.


The car is in and out of the mechanics several times with various issues.
Lon was rushed to the Emergency Room one afternoon, where it was discovered that he had a severe ulcer in his stomach.
I finally get a new phone and join the smart phone community.
Alan got his first pair of glasses.
Lon and I attend our first YMCA staff party.


Alan, Anna, Uncle Kalvin, Aunt April, Grandma Melanie, Grandpa Kevin and I all went to the Shriner's circus!
We celebrate Aunt April's birthday and all of her amazing accomplishments in dance.
Lon and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary with a sushi date!
Alan had his first professional hair cut from Sports Clips.
Anna learned how to pull herself up to standing and cruise around.


I twisted my ankle mere days before my first big dance showcase. Nice.
The Billings Family YMCA held their first Spring Dance Showcase for the hip hop and jazz classes.
Uncle Kalvin celebrated his birthday with a bowling party!
Aunt Natalie celebrated her birthday and first Mother's Day with her baby shower.
Alan had his cavities filled and was knocked out for the first time.


Anna's second tooth came in with a fire!
We celebrate Uncle Jake's first Father's Day.
Alan and I explore the Rims with Aunt Ariel.
We celebrated Alan's friend Tatum's fourth birthday with a potting party.
Uncle Cameron came into town for a visit.


Alan started taking swim lessons at the Billings Gymnastics School.
Great Uncle Greg and Great Aunt Clare are married at Zoo Montana.
Anna celebrates her first birthday at Rose Park.
Alan, Anna and I volunteer with the YMCA at Relay for Life.
Benton is born to Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake!


Aunt Natalie and Benton come into town for Benton's first visit.
We enjoy the week long Montana Fair and all its local attractions.
I join up with Diversity Dance to take their Summer Intensive classes.
The YMCA holds their first ever dance workshop.
I help coach the YMCA's gymnastics camp and officially join the coaching team.


Alan has his first day of Preschool at the YMCA.
Alan celebrates his fourth birthday with a superhero party at Veteran's Park.
Alan starts hip hop classes at the YMCA.
I volunteer with the YMCA at Color me Rad again.
We lose our house in court and become homeless.


Great Grandpa Louie passes away in his sleep.
Aunt Natalie and Benton come into town for a visit.
We pick our pumpkins out at Sartorie Farms with Aunt Ariel.
Anna suffers a dog bite and is rushed to the Emergency Room.
We celebrate Halloween with the Green Power Ranger (Alan), Elmo (Anna) and Zombie Lon.


April goes to her first formal dance, Senior High's Twirp.
We celebrate cousin James' first birthday.
Aunt Natalie, Uncle Jake and Benton come into town to visit.
We celebrate Thanksgiving with Lon's family and Great Aunt Carolyn's family.
The kids and I attend the Holiday Parade with Aunt Ariel.

The kids and I go to Seasame Street Live with Grandma Melanie, Uncle Kalvin, Aunt April, Aunt Natalie, Uncle Jake and Benton.
We support Aunt April and her dance studio at the Festival of Trees performances.
I received two certifications in Gymnastics instruction through USAGymnastics.  
We celebrate Christmas with both of our families.
Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake are engaged to get married!!

This past year was wild! Full of love, happiness, hardship, obstacles, family, friends, and loved ones. I wouldn't change any of it for the world! I hope that 2014 brings us better things, but will always remember those who helped us through the rough times. Love you all!

Please don't drink and drive tonight, don't ride along with anyone who does either! Its so not worth it! Please if you are drinking, call this number: 1-800-222-4357! Its the Tipsy Tow by AAA, you do not have to be a member of AAA to use this program this holiday! If you are drinking and need a ride, just call it, its free. I hope that everyone has a safe and blessed New Year's Eve! Here's to 2014!


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