Family Christmas Activities

I haven't been being good to this blog this year lol, I keep forgetting to post! This past month I have been working on my online gymnastics certification for work, I have been completing several classes lately. I am quite excited that I am finally on the path to becoming a fully certified gymnastics teacher! But its a lot of work lol, I feel like I am totally back in high school scratch that, college lol. Its so hard! There's hours of reading and notes, then a decently difficult test to take at the end of each class! Man, I haven't had test anxiety in years lol, this feels like a totally new feeling to me! But I like it! I just hope that I can keep up with the testing AND also remember to start posting on here again more regularly. Even if they are short and sweet photo dump posts! That will be my New Year's resolution lol, to be more active with my blog again!

We had quite the busy Christmas weekend! The kids and I went with my family to the Festival of Trees  on Saturday and we visited Santa Claus on Sunday. Christmas time is here! I just absolutely love this time of year, it is so full of love and happiness and family. I just can't get enough of it! There's snow on the ground outside, the kids are so happy to just be alive, everyone around you is caring, there's music everywhere, I just love it!

Aunt April performed with Diversity at the Festival of Trees. She did beautifully, as always! I am so very proud of her! They performed two dances, Kevin Frey's "DarkHorse" dance and a winter solstice dance. DarkHorse was just phenomenal! Oh man, BA BAM! That Senior Elite rocks so hard! I love that song and I love that dance! The winter solstice was a gorgeous dance too. The girls wore big, flowing blue skirts that were so beautiful! I took a few photos of the actual performance but they didn't turn out fantastic. And Miss April refused any pictures afterwards lol, so I had to play paparazzi for a bit. Here are the photos from the Festival of Trees.

The kids also loved looking at all the decorated and donated trees! We walked around several times looking at all of them. Alan's favorite tree was a white Christmas tree with blue lights and ornaments. He called it his "Snow Tree" lol! Anna's favorite tree was a Christmas tree covered in Pooh Bear toys. Perfect tree for my sweet little toddler! :) I just loved looking at the magic on their faces as they looked at each and every tree. It is so wonderful to watch the love of Christmas grow with them! One of my favorite parts of being a mother!

Then we went to the kids area to play around for a bit. The kids took funny photos, made crafts and sugar cookies, played in the play area. It was a nice relaxing way to end our day. Plus I got some awesome pictures lol! My weird daughter had to take a photo in both the Santa and Mrs. Claus head cut outs, so like a crazy person I combined them lol. Kinda creepy, huh?

On Sunday, we went to spend time with Lon. We hung out at the Village Inn for a bit, watched Christmas movies together and sat by the warm fire. I love our Family Sundays that we spend together, I am so thankful that even now that we are homeless and not living together, we still make a point to do our special family days together. It makes being away from Lon just that much easier on all of us. :) We also went and saw Santa Claus at the mall and took pictures with him. Alan was ready, he had prepared a whole letter and list of things that he wanted, I had to remind him several times that Santa only gives one gift per child in each family. But he was good for Santa, and so was Miss Anna too! I forgot that last year Anna did not see Santa, so this was technically her first time meeting him. I had to be in the picture too, its the only way she would sit on his lap. But at least she sat on his lap and didn't have to sit on my lap like Alan did when he was a baby.

I am very grateful to have the same Santa Claus for the past four years. We always go to the Rimrock Mall for our pictures and it has always been the same guy. He has a real bread and is truly committed to being Santa for the kids. I love it! When Aunt Natalie and I were younger, we went to the same Santa too. He passed away when I was like 18 and I remember it was like we had lost a family member. Its cool to have these local Santa's in our small town, they are much better then any Santa you see on tv or at the big city malls! Here are our pictures with Santa for the past few years.

Do you celebrate Santa with Christmas?


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