Christmas Through the Years

This Christmas was the sixth Christmas Lon and I have spent together. Since our first Christmas in 2008, quite a lot has changed with our family. In 2008, it was just Lon and I spending our first Christmas together. We had a small tree with only a few gifts each. I was pregnant with Alan, but did not know at the time. Now in 2013, its not just the two of us. We are married, have two children now and have been through our share of hardships. But our Christmases are still similar, still very important to us. We make a point to spend them together and spend them with our loved ones. There are still only a few presents, but they don't really matter to us. Its being together, Lon and the kids and I, that matters to me.

For funsies, here is a review of the past five Christmases my family has spent together. I am only leaving Lon and I's first Christmas together out, because I don't think there were any photos of us taken that year. But starting with 2009, Alan's first Christmas and going until now, 2013 Benton's first Christmas. So much has changed!


Alan was only three months old this year, it was his first Christmas ever! Lon and I were still so young too, a newer couple embarking on this new journey of parenthood. We were still so scared lol! We had just moved to our second home together earlier that month. Lon had started working at the Village Inn again that September, but I had just stopped working for Chuck E. Cheese's and was a stay-at-home mom. It was our first Christmas as a little family! So perfect!

My favorite part of this year was the fact that we had our little Alan. He was so young back then, our little ball of fun! He was the cutest, sweetest, chunkiest little baby ever! And a Mister Baldy too lol! Oh how I love looking back at pictures from those days.


Alan was fifteen months old this Christmas. We had just moved to a newer place the summer before, our third house we had lived in together. I had just started working at the YMCA and Alan had started school. Lon was still working at the Village Inn too. This Christmas was so much fun! Alan was so interested in everything, he was so happy to see all the lights and colors. He wasn't too into Santa though, I remember lol. Had to sit on Aunt Natalie's lap that year. Silly boy!

My favorite part of this Christmas was buying Alan all his big boy presents! This was the year we bought him his first car toy set and his training potty! He loved each gift too!


Alan was two years old this year, Lon and I had also just found out that we were expecting our second child the previous month. We told everyone on Christmas Eve, they were all so shocked and excited for us. It was also our first Christmas as a married couple. We still lived in the same apartment we had the previous year, I was still working at the YMCA and Lon at the Village Inn. Alan actually sat on Santa's lap this year, but he had Mama right by his side.

My favorite part of this year was everyone's different reactions to our pregnancy. One aunt screamed, another almost fainted, both of my grandmother's almost started crying. We were embraced with so much love that Christmas, it was so special to us.


Alan was three years old and Anna was five months old this Christmas. It was Anna's first Christmas, our first as a whole family too. We had just moved into our fourth house together the month before, I was still working at the YMCA and Lon at the Village Inn though. Alan took his own photo with Santa that year, Anna wasn't interested in even getting in the picture with Santa so Alan went solo. I was quite proud that he did too, he grows up a little more each year!

My favorite part about this year is the fact that it was our first Christmas with Anna. Everything was all new for us with a girl this time around, she made it all the more special for us. I loved watching her open her first few presents, discovering the Christmas tree or lights, snuggling her first baby doll. It was a great Christmas for our family!


Alan was four years old and Anna was 17 months old this Christmas. It was also my nephew Benton's first Christmas ever. He was just five months old, like Miss Anna was the previous year! We may have been homeless this year for Christmas but we still made the best of it and had a wonderful holiday. I was still at the YMCA and Lon at the Village Inn. It was a holiday of reflection and love this year for us, we are so blessed to have all these people fighting on our side. It warms the soul.

My favorite part of this year was the kindness in people's hearts. Our family received so many donations from our friends and family, to make our Christmas special. We originally were planning on having near nothing for Christmas but with the help of others, ended up having one of the best Christmases yet! I hope to someday repay those that helped us out by paying-it-forward to another family in need. People can be so wonderful sometimes.


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