Preschool Christmas Partying
Alan had his last preschool class of 2013 today. It was also their Christmas party, so Anna and I joined in on the festivities. We had a great time! Santa and Mrs. Claus came and gave out gifts, we made cottonball snowmen, Alan went swimming with his buddies and we had Christmas snacks! The perfect way to finish out the year for preschool!
The students were so excited to see Santa and Mrs. Claus! Each kid received a stocking of goodies and a book from Santa, even Anna! She was too scared to get a photo with him this time though. Alan wasn't however, he was ready to say hi and get his gifts lol! I love his photo with Santa, so cute! Then the whole class sang "Jingle Bells" with Santa and Mrs. Claus before they left! So cute to hear a whole room of preschoolers singing their own version of the Christmas classic. I love it!
They were about to go swimming in these pics, that's why half the class is in their suits lol. I had some friends and family on FB who were confused too!
Anxious kids waiting to get their gifts from Santa and Mrs. Claus!
Alan with Santa and Mrs. Claus
Then Anna and Alan made snowmen with the class. They glued cottonballs onto their snowmen to make them nice and fluffy, according to Alan lol. Anna loved participating and gluing like a big girl. She sat right next to brother, and had a ball playing with the cottonballs and helping Mama make her craft. She grows more and more each day, I swear!
I made some pretty cute treats while the kids swam. They are fruit Grinch Santas, my wonderful sister gave me the idea! :) Its a grape, a slice of banana and the bottom of a strawberry on a toothpick. Its so cute looking, the class just loved them so much! Even Alan ate all of his fruit and he "only eats apples and no other fruit" lol. Silly guy! Anna also loved the treats but she didn't end of eating any assembled Grinches, she would demand one before I could make it. She only had the fruit. :) I have the craziest kids lol! Oh well, they make life interesting.
Here are the fruit Grinch Santas, I just had to post a few pics! They are so cute, I just can't get over them!
We had such a great time at the preschool Christmas party! I hope that everyone there has a safe and fantastic Christmas vacation! Alan is so excited for his break but he can't wait to get back to school again to see his friends. He sure loves school!
I was able to get the kids a small Christmas tree yesterday, I am so happy! Wasn't honestly sure if we would have our own tree this year, but I saw them in the store and we dug up enough spare change to get one! The kids love it! And its REALLLLLLL too! We found some age old fake light beads and a tree skirt from my college days and my first tree. Now it looks perfect! We currently have it in their bedroom, it brightens up their morning each day and the smell is great too! I love our real tree!
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The students were so excited to see Santa and Mrs. Claus! Each kid received a stocking of goodies and a book from Santa, even Anna! She was too scared to get a photo with him this time though. Alan wasn't however, he was ready to say hi and get his gifts lol! I love his photo with Santa, so cute! Then the whole class sang "Jingle Bells" with Santa and Mrs. Claus before they left! So cute to hear a whole room of preschoolers singing their own version of the Christmas classic. I love it!
They were about to go swimming in these pics, that's why half the class is in their suits lol. I had some friends and family on FB who were confused too!
Then Anna and Alan made snowmen with the class. They glued cottonballs onto their snowmen to make them nice and fluffy, according to Alan lol. Anna loved participating and gluing like a big girl. She sat right next to brother, and had a ball playing with the cottonballs and helping Mama make her craft. She grows more and more each day, I swear!
I made some pretty cute treats while the kids swam. They are fruit Grinch Santas, my wonderful sister gave me the idea! :) Its a grape, a slice of banana and the bottom of a strawberry on a toothpick. Its so cute looking, the class just loved them so much! Even Alan ate all of his fruit and he "only eats apples and no other fruit" lol. Silly guy! Anna also loved the treats but she didn't end of eating any assembled Grinches, she would demand one before I could make it. She only had the fruit. :) I have the craziest kids lol! Oh well, they make life interesting.
Here are the fruit Grinch Santas, I just had to post a few pics! They are so cute, I just can't get over them!
We had such a great time at the preschool Christmas party! I hope that everyone there has a safe and fantastic Christmas vacation! Alan is so excited for his break but he can't wait to get back to school again to see his friends. He sure loves school!
I was able to get the kids a small Christmas tree yesterday, I am so happy! Wasn't honestly sure if we would have our own tree this year, but I saw them in the store and we dug up enough spare change to get one! The kids love it! And its REALLLLLLL too! We found some age old fake light beads and a tree skirt from my college days and my first tree. Now it looks perfect! We currently have it in their bedroom, it brightens up their morning each day and the smell is great too! I love our real tree!
We had our last hip hop class before our showcase performance and the last class of 2013 yesterday. It was also one of my student's birthdays, so we celebrated with Santa and Snowman cupcakes after class. They were delicious! Our showcase is tomorrow night, I am so nervous and excited! I know that they will do fantastic! All my kids have been working very hard the past four months, especially this past month with learning downrocking and learning the showcase choreography. I am so proud of them! Cannot wait to see the performance tomorrow, I will try my best to post it too. Good luck kiddos!
Uncle Cameron will be coming to town for Christmas this weekend. The kids are very excited to see him again, its been since this summer that he was last in town. Then its finishing up last minute shopping and wrapping presents, working two days next week and then its Christmas! I am so excited to spend it with our family! We have had a difficult year and spending time with our family and loved ones has become one of the most important things to us. Plus the food, the days off, the laughs, all the Christmas movies… I can go on and on about all the things I love about Christmas!
What is your favorite part of Christmas?
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