Alan's Birthday Bubble Bonanza

Sunday was Alan's birthday party. We had it at Pioneer Park in the late afternoon. The weather was perfect for a party, not too hot and only a little breezy. There was a lot of smoke in the sky, from the fires in Roundup but it didn't bother anyone except my ashmatic mother. :) I actually thought it was pretty! We were late to our own party, thanks to Anna cluster feeding lol. But we are lucky that my friend Jessica and her daughter were there because they found us a spot. She was my superhero, she's thirty weeks pregnant and had her one year old but was still willing to wait for my crazy butt. :D Thanks Jess, you're a true friend. Once we arrived, I sent my workers off to decorate and set up the party while I set up the bubble area and took photos. The one thing about having a big family is you can have lots of helpers. I had Aunt April and cousin Morgan on decorating, my mom was in charge of food and drinks, while Lon and my dad grabbed chairs and tables.

I was so excited that so many people showed up! Great Grandma Carol and Great Grandpa Floyd were there, Great Aunt Carolyn and Great Uncle Rick brought Alan's cousin Sophie, Kelsie brought Kelton, Chelsea showed up with her daughters Teagan and Harper, Jessica was there with Carly, Heather came with her daughters Tatum and Cordelia, Great Aunt Marnie and cousin Morgan were there, then of course my family was there. Aunt Natalie wasn't able to make it to town because her car broke down and Lon's family wasn't able to come either. But we were so glad that everyone who came was there! We had missed you all and had a blast with you all.

As the kids arrived, they started playing bubbles with Uncle Kalvin and Alan. We had a bunch of bubble things- bubble wands, bubble guns, a bubble machine, a bubble lawnmower and personal bubbles you can carry around. The kids went crazy, trying out each bubble thing and running around trying to pop each other's bubbles. This was so much fun to watch! There were a few disagreements (which can be expected when children are so much alike and have grown up together lol) but they were quickly resovled. :) I love all the pictures I got of them playing! Soooo cute!


After we played for a bit, it was time for cupcakes!

If you remember, I did the cupcake bar with the kids. They were given the option of a chocolate or vanilla funfetti cupcake, icecream or frosting to go on top, and then sprinkles or M&Ms for the topping. The cupcake bar was a hit with everyone! So many people enjoyed the cupcakes Alan and I made, many so much that they went back for seconds and even thirds! I was so glad I saw this idea in a magazine, we might have to do this every year! :) Well, maybe not lol. Gotta up my game next year with two birthdays!

Then it was time for presents. Alan surprisingly got quite a few big presents this year. He was pretty happy about that. :) Of course, this means that we will be going through his old toys and donating all the ones he doesn't play with as much. Because now he has so many more big boy toys! I loved that Lon got to open presents with him this year, I love taking Father and Son pictures of them! And it made Lon so happy to get to have that bonding time with his son, since he works so much and doesn't get that time as much as I do. Oh it makes my so happy to see them together! :D While we were doing presents, Great Aunt Carolyn held Anna. Great Grandma Carol also got a chance to hold her and it made her day to see her again! She hadn't seen her since we were in the hospital and had missed her so! Anna was so wide awake and attentive the whole party, it was awesome! I was hoping she would be that way, I had made sure she had napped and was fed by the time of the party and I got lucky! I was able to get so many awesome awake pictures of my beautiful girl!


The wading pool had closed but Aunt April and cousin Morgan went with the other parents to the playground for a bit. I stayed behind and helped clean up then nursed Anna. By the time I was done, everyone was back and the party had started to wind down but the babies were still being passed around. :) Aunt April snuggled with Cordelia while my mom and Lon tag teamed Anna for fun. Sophie and Tatum were buddying up, as were Teagan and Kelton. Alan was wrestled with Uncle Kalvin while all the adults chatted it up. It was a good time for all.

I had such a wonderful time at his party and its all thanks to everyone who came and helped us out. We love you all so much and I hope that each one of you had just as good of a time! I miss everyone so much, we all need to make sure and get together again soon!


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