The Darling Dozen:Week by Week! Seventh Week

Todat should be fun for us. We have the YMCA's Membership Appreciation Day in the around lunchtime and then we have Kelton's third birthday party in the afternoon. We will be playing in the bouncy houses at the Y and then doing fun water activities for Kelton's birthday! Alan can't wait!

Here's this week's Darling Dozen!!

Week: Seventh Week

Weight: 8 pounds and 3 ounces
Height: 22 3/4 inches
This Week's Developments: Anna should start laughing this week! I am so excited to hear this, we already die over all her beautiful little smiles! Laughing is going to be the greatest thing ever! She is continuing to develop her grabbing skills, her hands grab and catch things more often then not now. It is just simply amazing to watch her while she is awake, watching her eyes exploring everything around her and taking it all in. I bet her dreams are very interesting now. :)

New Achievements This Week: Anna is growing up so much! She can hold her neck so high now during tummy time, part of her chest lifts up too! She loves to hang out in brother's play area with brother and mommy, looking at all of brother's toys and trying to crawl. :) That girl is determined! She will move herself all around that blanket, especially if she is on her tummy. It blows my mind! She is also talking up a storm. :) Her favorite thing to do is coo with Lon while he sings to her. Its so sweet, it melts my heart!
How's Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is still going fabulous. I was thinking about it the other day, how blessed I am to be able to exclusively breast feed this time around. I remember being so heart broken about having to supplement Alan and even though I know it wasn't my fault, I am still so very grateful that my supply can support Anna this time around. She seriously nurses like a champ! She likes to eat every two to three hours for about ten minutes to an hour on each side in the day time and every five to six hours for about thirty minutes to an hour and a half on each side in the night time. I love this time I get with her, our bond has become even stronger each day because of it. I thank the heavens every day to have this wonderful and beautiful experience with my amazing daughter.
Colic: No colic as far as I know! Yes! :D

Jaundice: No more jaundice concerns either! Double yes!
Sleep: Anna is such a good girl, since about week three she has sleep about five to six hours in a row every night. She only will wake up for one feeding around two or three in the morning but that is it! Thanks to her, my sleep has been pretty good too. Alan was good about sleeping when he was a newborn too but I'm not as spoiled this time around because now I have two children. Alan has been known to fight sleep even now so I am still up late some nights lol. You win some, you lose some. :) We are at least grateful Anna sleeps through the night. Alan's schedule will return to normal soon. 
Anna's Personality: She has developed such a personality in these past seven weeks! My little girl is such a diva, it is crazy! I have always heard that girls were harder but I honestly thought that was a total lie. But Anna is more demanding than her brother, more finicky than he was and she is known to get upset over the silliest stuff. :) I still love her to death but I find it amusing how she already has us wrapped around her finger and is already completely in charge of our life lol.

Places Anna has Been: Walmart, Albertson's, Grandma Melanie's house, Grandma Amber's house, Village Inn, 5Star MMA, Pioneer Park, Applebee's, Rimrock Mall, Oasis Waterpark, Geyser Park, North Park, YMCA, Metra Park and Texas Roadhouse
No where new this week! We have been homebound for the most part and enjoying it! :)
Umbilical Cord: Fell off a while ago! The scab on her belly button is fully gone too! She has the cutest belly button ever too! Just like Alan's!
Bathing: We have yet to give Anna a bath other than the washcloths baths we have been doing since she was born but Lon brought it up the other day. He mentioned how we could try using the newborn net thing our baby tub has. So probably next week...

Best Moment This Week: Dancing to Some Nights by Fun. with Alan outside the jeep under the stars on Wednesday night. Love loud music and happiness with my boy!
 How's Big Brother: Alan is amazing! He blows my mind everyday how much he loves his little sister. I can't even handle it. He helps with her, always gives her kisses, only talks about her when around other people, gets upset when she cries for too long and always wants her near him. The other day we were in Alan's play area and Anna needed a diaper change so I took her to our room to change her. Alan thought Anna was leaving his play area for good and started bawling, completely heartbroken. I was so touched! Thinking about it, I think that he really loves her as much as Lon or I do. And this is just crazy to me because he is only so old but I really feel that way. To watch him look at her or talk to her, you can just see the love coming off of him, that's how real it is to me. Lon and I are so blessed to have such loving children. :) 
How's Mama: I am doing great! Had my last midwife appointment yesterday (will post about that Wednesday) and got the clear to do everything normal again lol! I can workout, do the deed lol and even lift Alan again! Since having Anna, I have lost ten pounds and am back to my prepregnancy weight. I think I might try to lose a little bit more though. Who knows really though lol? I am totally happy with how my body is right now. :) I am exhausted like all the time but other than that really I feel just awesome. Having my two children with me always and my wonderful, loving husband is the best feeling anyone could ask for! I am such a lucky lady!
I hope you enjoyed this week's Darling Dozen. I bet you could really feel the love lol. :) I am so lovey this week because of Alan's party coming up tomorrow, I just can't help it! Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!


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