First Day of School for Everyone

Yesterday was our school district's first day of school. That meant my mom, my little sister, my little brother, my cousin and my friend's children all went to school. They were all nervous and excited for each of their own new journeys into learning. It was also Alan's first day of school, in some aspects. Since I had been on maternity leave with Anna, Alan had stayed home with us as well. He went about five weeks without going to his "school" or daycare. Last week he went for about an hour while I was there talking to my boss about my new dance classes but I was right at hand for him. Today, he went to "school" without Mama or Anna for one whole hour. :D He was so excited and thought it really was his first day of school. He even had me take a "first day of school" picture lol. What a sweetheart!

His "school" was under renovations currently at the time so it was in the dance studio at the YMCA. Alan was a little nervous of this new territory but he warmed up quickly when he saw his three favorite teachers. He started playing with the toys he had remembered from before, and chatting with his old friends. I stood there at the desk, feeling somewhat abandoned lol. He didn't even want to say goodbye to me! :( After pouting for a few minutes so he could see me, he finally came up to give me a kiss goodbye. Then he was off again, my independent little man. :)

I left him there for a whole hour. It almost killed me honestly lol, I felt so lost with only one child. Anna fell asleep once we got home again so I was left alone with no idea what to do. I sat and channeled flipped before finally giving and practicing more yoga for a bit. Alan apparently had a blast though. According to Alan they did circle time, reading several books and singing some songs. Then he played house with his friend Emma and made her baby food lol. He says he even danced some lol. :) His teachers told me his was just a complete angel. Good job big boy!

He might go to "school" again tomorrow, I will have to see if I have the time. He sure enjoyed it and will be happy to go back next week!


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