
With Alan's birthday this month and Anna still in her precious first twelve weeks of life, I am feeling the nostalgia and love to the extreme lately! As some of you may have noticed from my posts, I am feeling so lucky to be living the life that I currently am living. And to think five years ago when I was just a freshman in college, I would be were I am now, its just crazy! I feel like I can never say it enough, I am so very blessed!

I have friends on Facebook who are in all different places in their lives. Some are in college, some are just graduating college, some are starting out their first year as teachers, some are engaged, some just got married, some are expecting, some have been mothers for years and a few have just had their children like me. We are all living different lives, yet somehow are all still connected. I feel like I can still be a part of each of their lives and not just because of Facebook. I feel like if I ran into any one of these people, my friends or old classmates or former coworkers or even my WTE mamas, I would be able to have a normal conversation with them. I would actually be excited to see them and would just catch up on their lives. I am pretty well connected with each one of them already.

I love my children so much and am feeling this to the maximum this month. Both of my children are so beautiful, so healthy, so smart and simply amazing! Alan has been wowing us with his inteligence and curiousity lately. He is interested in money, numbers, letters, addition, subtraction, the human body, animals, jobs, dinosaurs, emotions, shapes, seasons, music, art, science the list goes on and on. I feel confident in homescooling him right now, he will keep himself busy with his curiousity and imagination! Anna is just wonderful as well! She is so smart and advanced for her age! She can alredy lift her head so high, part of her chest comes off the ground too! The doctor joked that she would be crawling in two months! Oh my word! Alan didn't start crawling until he was five months! Super baby girl! She is so attentive and loves to stare at people's faces and mouths. She will move her mouth like she is trying to form her own words, beautiful words that I can't wait to hear! My children are so breathtaking! My husband and I are so lucky to be their parents!

Speaking of my husband, he is the most wonderful man I have ever met. Lon works everday from nine in the morning until four in the afternoon at one job, then six at night until midnight at his other job. He only has Sundays partially off, otherwise that is his schedule. Even with that schedule, he still tries his best to spend quality time with us. Alan loves to play cars or Legos with him so Lon makes a point to do that at least every other day. He sings and holds Anna whenever he can, she just adores him and loves it when he interacts with her. Lon truly is my superman. He gets very little sleep, has chronic pain from his eye, works thirteen hours a day and still helps out around the house and with the children. Lon, I love you so very much! You are simply amazing!

I am such a lucky woman! I haven't felt this happy about my life since well... Alan's last birthday lol! :) Do you feel extremely nostalgic around your children's births/birthdays?


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