Month in Review: July 2012

July was an exciting month for my family! Several babies were born into the family, including Miss Anna. We had a handful of birthdays and big events happen as well. Here is what happened this month:

The first of the month meant my nephew Connor's second birthday party. Then Anna was born on the seventh, weighing a healthy 6 pounds and 13 ounces. Less than a week after Anna was born, Aunt Ariel turned twelve years old. This month was also Alan and Anna's cousin Fayth's first birthday, but unfortunately due to the heat we weren't able to go to her birthday party. Then it was my birthday, and we went to the Oasis Water park to celebrate. The day afterward was Grandma Melanie's birthday. My cousin's wife had her son Joshua 22 days after Anna was born. The next day was not only Grandpa Kevin's birthday, but my other cousin's wife had her daughter Simmone!  The fourth of July was also this month, Lon and I took Aunt Ariel and Alan to Castlerock Park for their annual celebration and fireworks show. We had a blast!

We went to a bunch of parks this month and several other fun places. Before Aunt Ariel left for Utah, we went to Westwood Park and Pioneer Park with her. We went wading at Pioneer Park a couple times too with Grandma Melanie, Aunt April and Uncle Kalvin. We also went to the water park at Terry Park to play in the sprinklers there. Alan is fearless when it comes to sprinklers lol! He runs face first into them all the time lol! Alan and Anna were introduced to their Great Grandma Audrey when she moved up here this month. They were shy at first but now they love her! We finished out the month with a birthday trip to the Oasis Water park and then another trip to Geyser Park with Alan and Uncle Kalvin.

I wrote about a handful of different topics this month and also finished out the month with two guest POV Posts. Before Anna was born, I wrote about how much Alan was growing up and how proud we were of him. I told Harmony's Traveling Red Dress story and how I am helping her in her journey. I wrote about my pledge to stop texting and driving (which I am proud to say that I have kept to that pledge thus far). I also wrote about the tragic Aurora shootings and my opinion on bringing children to movies. My good friend Shay then did the first POV Post about the life of a work at home mom. My other good friend Jen did the second POV Post on her love for spaghetti.

My pregnancy ended this month but I wrote a ton about the last week and her birth! The 38th week was my last week of pregnancy and I did my last Pregnancy Post that week. I had my last midwife appointment that week as well. After that, Anna was born so I started my Darling Dozen posts. Anna's first week of life was wonderful and easy compared to what I had expected. I shared her birth story with you readers and was pleased with how well it went. I was somewhat anxious about their first meeting, but Alan was great with Anna when they first met! I was so proud of my big boy! Then we celebrated her second week of life with the second edition of the Darling Dozen post. Finally, we celebrated her third week of life by giving her a bottle of breast milk for the VERY FIRST TIME! :D

What a busy month for us! I honestly think it was our busiest yet! I look forward to a lot this month: Alan's birthday party, the Montana Fair and Anna turning one month old! Stay tuned to see what happens to this wild family in August! :D


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