Oh! To Dance Again...
Wednesday, I recieved great news. There are new HipHop and AcroDance classes this year at the YMCA and today I got the okay to be the teacher! :D
I am so elated, I have been wanting this position for a while now. I didn't want to mention it on this blog before now just in case it didn't happen but it did! :) I will be teaching kids ages six to twelve hiphop or acrodance three times a week in the YMCA's brand NEW dance studio! Some of you may not know this but I took dance for twelve years at Tracy's School of Dance and then I also taught for a year after I graduated from there. I live for dance, so this is really exciting for me!

I just love this quote and had to include it in this post lol. I am just so excited to finally start dancing again. Dance has always been a total passion of mine, I find it totally freeing. When I dance, I feel my spirit releasing and my heart singing. I have never felt so alive then when I dance. The only thing that comes close to dance for me is my children and seeing their happiness. But dance used to be my entire life. Somedays, I miss those days alot. Aunt April is following in my dance footsteps (so to speak lol) so I can live vicariously through her sometimes but its not always enough. I am beyond excited to start teaching again so I can start living that dance and choreography lifestyle!
I am so elated, I have been wanting this position for a while now. I didn't want to mention it on this blog before now just in case it didn't happen but it did! :) I will be teaching kids ages six to twelve hiphop or acrodance three times a week in the YMCA's brand NEW dance studio! Some of you may not know this but I took dance for twelve years at Tracy's School of Dance and then I also taught for a year after I graduated from there. I live for dance, so this is really exciting for me!
I have been thinking about music and what songs to use for these classes. For the hiphop classes, I am thinking of some classic High School Musical lol (my students will be ages six to twelve so this will be perfect). And for my acrodance classes, I am thinking some Gotye or even like Rhianna (the Kids Bop version of course). I really can't wait to meet my students and start teaching!! Yay yay!
I will have all you know, that this post took the longest time ever to write lol. Anna must've known I was really trying to hurry and get this out because I swear that little girl tried her darndest to have a hundred and ten percent of my attention so that I couldn't get this done. Oh Anna, how I love you. :)
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