The Darling Dozen: Week by Week! Sixth Week
I still can't believe how fast this is going by but I am realizing its to be expected especially when you are a parent of two. I am so busy every single day that it feels like one minute its morning and the next its night lol. But I am still amazed at how fast Anna is growing and how much she is changing every single day.
The other thing that's crazy to me is that I go back to work in a little over a week from today. Its just for CPR training (mine expired this year, boo) but I will be away from Anna for like five hours for the first time ever. Needless to say, I'm a little apprehensive about this. She will be with Lon, so she will be okay. I just have to prepare myself to leave her really. :) I am very excited about going back to work. As you may have read yesterday afternoon, I got hired back on as a dance teacher for the YMCA. I will be teaching hiphop and acrobatic dance three nights a week for three hours each night. Yes! I am so excited to start teaching again!
Here is this week's Darling Dozen!
Remember, if you liked this post and this blog, please click on the link below to vote for my blog at Top Baby Blogs. I am now currently at Number 207, but it would be the coolest to get down to 150 or lower.... :D Thanks to everyone who is voting for me! You are all awesome!

The other thing that's crazy to me is that I go back to work in a little over a week from today. Its just for CPR training (mine expired this year, boo) but I will be away from Anna for like five hours for the first time ever. Needless to say, I'm a little apprehensive about this. She will be with Lon, so she will be okay. I just have to prepare myself to leave her really. :) I am very excited about going back to work. As you may have read yesterday afternoon, I got hired back on as a dance teacher for the YMCA. I will be teaching hiphop and acrobatic dance three nights a week for three hours each night. Yes! I am so excited to start teaching again!
Here is this week's Darling Dozen!
Week: Sixth Week
Weight: 8 pounds and 1 ounce
Height: 22 inches
This Week's Developments: Anna will be getting grabby this week. She is discovering how to use her fingers and grab things, her hand-eye coordination developing more and more each day. Her sensory perception is growing as well and things like colors and patterns will catch her eye easily now.
New Achievements This Week: Anna has started to "talk" to us alot more this week. She also will make direct eye contact with us. She comunicates her feelings a lot better now and I am learning her grunts and cries. We are growing to know each other more and more each day. :)
How's Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is still going great for us. She currently nurses every two to three hours, for about 10 minutes to an hour on either side. She is a nursing champ! Like I mentioned before, she started using the bottle a couple Saturdays ago. I started pumping then as well to prepare and now we are well stocked! Yes!
Colic: No colic as far as I know! Yes! :D
Jaundice: No more jaundice concerns either! Double yes!
Places Anna has Been: Walmart, Albertson's, Grandma Melanie's house, Grandma Amber's house, Village Inn, 5Star MMA, Pioneer Park, Applebee's, Rimrock Mall, Oasis Waterpark, Geyser Park, North Park, YMCA, Metra Park
and Texas Roadhouse
Umbilical Cord: Fell off a while ago! The scab on her belly button is fully gone too! She has the cutest belly button ever too! Just like Alan's!
Bathing: We have yet to give Anna her first bath at home, but she has been washed down with a washcloth several times. We have found this way of bathing is currently more efficient for us then just putting her in water. So this will most likely be the norm for a few more weeks.
Best Moment This Week: Spending time with my family at the Montana Fair. Anna even had a good time! :)
How's Big Brother: I feel so blessed, my children are so amazing. Alan is just an angel around his sister. He helps me with just about anything I ask him to and is so gentle with her. He is very patient when he wants something and I am caring for Anna and will wait until I can help him. He even knows when to be quiet and will play like a good little boy in his play area. He loves her so much and enjoys her company. He is always asking for Anna and I to go play with him and loves to tell her stories about all of his toys. He is such a sweetheart! Lon and I are so very lucky!
Remember, if you liked this post and this blog, please click on the link below to vote for my blog at Top Baby Blogs. I am now currently at Number 207, but it would be the coolest to get down to 150 or lower.... :D Thanks to everyone who is voting for me! You are all awesome!
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