Exploring Elimination Communication

****Disclaimer: This post is about going potty. This is all I will talk about about in this post and I will present each reader with a somewhat contreversial idea of infants going potty. If you are not comfortable with this or want to argue with my views on this, please continue no further. I will not be posting this on my Facebook for this reason. Thanks! :D

I am a member of the Peaceful Parenting Facebook site. The idea is pretty self explanatory lol and I love to learn new and different things from other parents also on this site. Recently, I read a post from a parent about elimination communication. I had never heard of this, or so I thought until I researched it a little more. By the way, here is the first post I read about EC. Check it out!

Elimination Communication:
A relationship developed between a parent and an infant where the infant communicates when it needs to pee or poop and the parent responds by allowing the infant to do so over a toilet or other recepticle. Also known as elimination timing, natural infant hygiene, diaper feedom, orinfant potty training.

It originated when Ingrid Baur first traveled to India and Africa, where she mothers who had diaperless children yet had very little "accidents" with these children. After observing these children more closely, she discovered that their parents were taking them to the bathroom and holding them over the toilet. These babies were using the toilet, sometimes only at a few weeks old. This was because the parent had discovered their child's bathroom signals and has responded to them.

Elimination communication is another form of attachment parenting. It is often associated with breastfeeding, baby wearing and co-sleeping. Infants that are trained this way have a very close bond with their parents and they communicate really well with them. I have become very interested in the benefits from this which include reduced skin irritation, better sense of infant's digestive system, reduced risk of urinary tract infections, reduces the risk of colic and constipation, facilitates a better nursing system, fosters greater security in infant, reduces the use of disposable diapers and wipes, eliminates potty training fears and many other benefits.

Elimination communication can be started right at birth. The infant will often signal with facial expressions, a particular cry, squirming, or even unexplained fussiness. Until the parent has discovered these specific signals, timing is important. Newborns tend to urinate every ten to 20 minutes, sometimes on a regular schedule. Older infants may also be regular, often based off of when they last drank or ate. Start timing the infant until you have learned their signals. Most parents use the sink or bathtub when the child is a newborn and wait to introduce a potty until after solid foods have been started. Children may or may not wear diapers but will most of the time not mess in them.

I have been contemplating doing this with both Alan and Anna, starting with Alan first. We are currently in the process of potty training Alan and he does just fine during the day as long as we stay home. But does not poop in the potty and does not go potty outside of the house. We have been struggling trying to get him to learn his potty signals so that he can tell us when he needs to go to the bathroom, but what if I learn his signals myself and just take him? In theory, I might get him potty trained much faster. I am still thinking about it really, but I think I will try it with Alan first and if it seems successful, then I will try it with Anna. Because if its more natural, will cut our diaper costs and help reduce my children's fear of the toilet, I am all for it! :)

Would you ever try elimination communication? What is your opinion of it?


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