Happy Birthday Grandpa Kevin!

Today is Grandpa Kevin's birthday. Happy birthday Grandpa Kevin! We love you so much! My dad is seriously the coolest. He is one of the strongest men I know. But his heart is sooooooo big, he has so much love for his family. I have quite a bit of respect for him and his hard working ethic too. My father has his own drywall company that he started from the bottom up. I would love to someday do that with my own business! We have a lot in common too. My father is soooooooo stubborn about most things and usually refuses to go to the doctor even if he is sick. I am a terribly stubborn person myself, just ask my husband lol. Just one of the many traits I picked up from my dad! I have picked up a lot of his crazy notions throughout my life. :) He has always been a great teacher. The things he teaches me are different then the things my mother has taught me too. They are valuable in their own ways. :) My father has taught me how to ride a bike, how to fish, how to ride motorcycle...