Swimming at a Gymnastics School?

Alan had his very first swim lesson today at his gymnastics school. Yes, his gymnastics school has a pool too. Its just that awesome. :) Alan has wanted to go back to gymnastics so badly and has asked me about it almost everyday. He was so excited to be going back there! And he loves swimming, so he could not wait to go!

He is currently in the youngest class without parents, the Goldfish class, but that's only because I wanted to start him out at the beginning instead of a level higher (where he technically could be). He will probably move up to Sunfish next summer, but that will just give him a whole month's worth of Goldfish practice this summer! :) There was only one other kid in his class, a girl about Alan's age. Together they played games with the teacher. All of the games were swimming based too, which I love! It got him to try new things! I use similar techniques with my own dance and gymnastics students. It works very well with young children. His teacher was great with him as well. At one point, I think he freaked her out a bit by running through the water and falling face first. He jumped right up, sputtering and laughing. It think it may have almost given her a heart attack though lol. Just kidding! :P

Alan did great at his first class. He has it tomorrow and then has the rest of the week off for the fourth. Next week however, he has class all week. Then he will have four classes a week for the last weeks of July. Lots of swim lessons! Should be good for my little fishie.

Here are some photos I was able to catch during class:


  1. Betty, Sam and Wilson could not wait to go swimming pool. The happy summer holidays is coming now.

    1. Yay! Yeah Alan loves swimming as well, he is my little fish as I say lol. Anna has yet to go swimming, but she is starting to really enjoy her baths. I think she may be ready for swimming soon! We love summer here too! :)


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