Relay for Life 2013

Friday was Relay for Life in Billings. I volunteered with the YMCA and helped work the inflatables. Alan was also able to come with me, I think he had a blast. :) He played on the inflatables with his school friends for two hours and then had dinner, got a balloon gun and some chocolate ice cream. He also got to sit and watch the parade of survivors, he loved cheering for them! I enjoyed volunteering as well, but I'm pretty sure he had a better time then even I did. :)

But there's so much more to Relay than just fun. Relay for Life is literally what its name says, its about life. Its a celebration of life for some and a memorium of life for others. It is a walk against cancer and for the survivors.

I was surrounded by so much love, beauty and happiness. I have never given out so many hugs to random strangers, but that's what this is about! There were so many tears, both happy and sad. I have never felt so alive and so grateful to be alive! Life truly is good and nothing can bring me down! I'm healthy and so is my family! Thank you life for that!

Personally, I walked for my grandmother who had ovarian cancer and for our family friend Zach who had esophogis cancer. Thankfully, they are both survivors so this was a celebration for us. :)

By the way, I just have to say this: I love my YMCA family! They are such a great group of people, they will do just about anything for their fellow workers and members. I have had coworkers help me out with rides and financial issues before, even giving my kiddos food if they were hungry! I love all you guys! We are a wonderful, strong community of people and I love working at my job!

I will definitely be participating in Relay for Life from now on, it is such a phenomenal experience! I encourage you to check it out when it comes to your town!

This week I am working the YMCA Cheer and Dance Camp. I am pretty excited! I have never been on a cheer team lol, but I do know some cheers and such. Plus I know dance and how to tumble. :) Should be lots of fun! Stay tuned for some photos throughout the week!


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