Happy Birthday Aunt Ariel!

Today is Aunt Ariel's thirteenth birthday. She is officially a teenager, watch out!

In the (almost) five years I have known her, she has grown into such a beautiful young lady. I am very proud of the person she has become. Aunt Ariel is very smart and gets great grades in school. She is also a great aunt and my children just adore her. She loves them as well. We love you so much Aunt Ariel!

For her birthday, we will probably take her swimming or to a movie, depending on what she wants to do. I picked her out a cute summer outfit, Alan made her a special birthday card and Anna gave her a photo of her and Aunt Ariel. I hope she likes our gifts!

Happy birthday Aunt Ariel. You have always been such an important part of our life! We love you so much!


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