Thriller and Swimming Lessons

What a busy week we had! Alan had swimming lessons all week and today he graduated from his Goldfish class! My hip hop class had their Thriller choreography and performance class Wednesday night. And tonight I volunteered at Relay for Life! Yeah, I am a legit Dancer Against Cancer!! :) Lol, I have been seeing that all over my Instagram lately, I just couldn't resist! You know you loved it!
Thriller went amazingly! I feel like I say this everytime but I am so proud of my students! They are truly phenomenal! They learned this dance in one class and performed it twice for an audience. They did so great! Good job girls, you put the "R" in Rocking it! Rock it, don't stop it! Get it girls!

One of these times I will get around to ACTUALLY filming the performance so I can post it on here but for now, here are some photos for now though! I need to have a friend (or sister, April) come take some class photos for me! That would be the best!

I also would like to announce that Aunt April made Senior Elite and the High Tap Class at Diversity Dance! We are so proud! She auditioned for companies last month and the results were just released Wednesday night. Although she was convinced that she would stay in Junior Elite, I always knew that she had it in her. Miss Modest has sooooooooo much potential for dance, she can't move her body without looking like a ballerina. I swear this girl is meant for big things, she can move a whole crowd in ways I have never imagined. When she dances, her soul flies. Oh how glad I am that she has started a new journey of her dance career! Congratulations again April!

And we cannot forget Mister Alan, who fell asleep on the way home tonight so I was not able to get a photo with his certificate lol. But he graduated from his Goldfish Swim Class! He took his test today in class and passed. His teacher gave him a certificate, a ribbon and a free pass to their open swim. He was quite proud of himself but not as proud as we are! Next week he will be in Sunfish. That means that if he were to pass the Sunfish test at the end of the month, he could potentially be in a brand new level next summer! So proud of you Alan!

I will take a few photos of Alan with his certificate and ribbon tomorrow. And it currently has a nice place on display on the fridge. :) I'm sure Alan will love it there.

I would love to write about Relay for Life tonight but I honestly feel like it deserves its own post. Tune in on Monday for that! :) I loved volunteering with my YMCA family and will participate every year from now on! The love that was shared there and all of the hope and triumph that was there... So beautiful. What a strong, amazing group of people to surround myself around, I am blessed everyday and I need to realize it more often.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We will mostly be preparing for Baby B to be arriving! He will be here anytime next week! Lon and I cannot wait to finally be an aunt and uncle ourselves! Hurry up Baby B, Auntie Jillian and Uncle Lon have lots of gifts for you! We cannot wait to meet you handsome boy! We love you so much already!


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