Independence Day 2013

Happy fourth of July!

How was your Independence Day? Ours was one of the very best yet! I have not had a fourth with this much family since I was a child! Oh we just had a blast, I loved it soooooooo much!

Lon and I were able to go to lunch with one of our good friends without the kids. Thanks Mom! We went to Grains of Montana and it was so delish! Lon and I enjoyed our company probably more though! We love this guy! Life always seems to be so hectic and busy, then we always miss out on meeting up with our loved ones. It had been since his birthday (December) since we had last seen him! I have made a vow to myself to STOP DOING THIS and start doing more things, like coffee dates and lunch, even if we are busy. We had such a wonderful time!

We went over to my Aunt and Uncle's house for a fourth of July barbeque instead of going up for fireworks this year. With our car breaking down earlier this week, we did not want to get a ride ALL the way up there just to have Anna not like the fireworks. So we figured we would go to the barbeque and then could let Alan play with the glowsticks I got him while he watched the Macy's firework show on tv. But I am getting a head of myself...

My wonderful Uncle Greg and his beautiful fiance, my Aunt Clare, are getting married tomorrow night. Tonight, they had a barbeque at their new house. We went with my family. Almost my whole family from my mom's side was there, we were only missing three of my uncle's families and my Grandpa Gordon and my sister. There are a lot of us too, it was a full house! Alan had some cousins that were his age and Uncle Kalvin that he ran around with, he had a GRAND time. Even Miss Anna had cousin James to play with! Oh I love my family! Never a dull moment!

I could go on and on about how much I love my family and missed all of them, but its Independence Day and I'd like to take some time to rap about this great country we live in. I love America so much! We live in such a wonderful place, a place where we have the right to be who we are and are encouraged to dream. Our country has some problems but we need to embrace the right things and be the solution to those wrong things. America, as a whole, is still the beautiful, FREE place it was in the beginning. We just need to focus on bringing it up and making it better, not holding it back.
I would also like to take the time to thank all of those serving of great nation. And I would especially like to wish a happy fourth to those who are away from their loved ones, serving us and keeping us free. Thank you all!

Lastly, those of you that are out celebrating our great country, please remember to stay safe. FIND a designated driver, MAKE that call, DON'T get behind the wheel drunk. Have a great night guys!


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