24 years...

Today was my 24th birthday. It was a pretty good birthday, although I really do not feel 24 years old. Isn't that weird lol? We did not have too much planned, since my family is out of town with my sister and my nephew still. But I still had a great day because I spent it with my beautiful children and my husband.

I spent the morning with my family, woke up early to play with the kids. Anna is growing up so much, she is fantastic. She know blows kisses when you do know, I love it! I watched Alan swim too, which I do most days, but I enjoyed it more than usual. If that makes sense lol? But I did. And he's getting good too. His swim class has moved deeper into the pool and he does pretty well with it. He just gets nervous about going underwater. He does so well though!

Then at work, I brought cupcakes for the staff and their children. There were Oreo cupcakes, red velvet cupcakes and regular vanilla cupcakes (I know, I spoil my Y family lol, but I love them so much!). Towards the end of the night, the whole class sang "Happy Birthday" to me. It made my night! Before I left work, I officially signed Alan up for Preschool! He will be going to the Y Preschool in the fall, two days a weeks for three hours a day. I am very nervous but excited for him. Alan cannot wait to pick out his backpack and lunchbox lol, of course. :) Gotta love my silly boy!

We had some friends and Lon's baby brother over for dinner after I was off of work. One of my sweet friends brought me some BEAUTIFUL flowers for my birthday! It was so sweet! For some silly reason, the photo would not pick up the yellow. They are gorgeous though! Thank you! Of course I had to watch So You Think You Can Dance even though we had company. And it was such a crazy episode! Gah!!

That was a great episode of SYTYCD! The perfect one for my birthday lol, its like they knew! :P Dave Scott and Brian Friedman were choreographers (I have taken classes from both of them and am greatly inspired by their individual styles). And Jazmine performed the Quickstep routine and killed it!!! Oh she was wonderful, great job girl! Geek Alert: I seriously voted like all of my votes on her! She is just phenomenal!

I had a pretty good 23rd year: raised Anna for her first year of life, successfully breastfed her for a year+, celebrated Alan's third birthday, bought a car, moved, started teaching dance (YES!!!!) at the Y, celebrated our second year of marriage with Lon, potty trained Alan and became an AUNT!!!!! I would definitely have to say that I had a wonderful 23rd year. Here's to an even better 24th year!

Auntie Jillian loves you Benton!!!


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