A Hip Hop Birthday Celebration

There are only a few more classes left in our summer hip hop program and every one of my students has improved so much, in each their own artistic way. These classes, like all of my classes, are dear to my heart. The kids are great and they perform very well together! I am so lucky to be their teacher!

Today I had my birthday party in my hip hop classes. We had oatmeal raisin cookies and each student received a YMCA bracelet as a small gift from me. In my younger class, we played a lot of games. However in my older class, we learned how to Moonwalk and some basic locking steps. We performed a little dance (my favorite five minute choreography I've ever done lol) to Justin Bieber's "As Long As You Love Me". We had a great time in both classes!

Two of my students gave me little gifts for my birthday! They are all such sweethearts! One student made me a little Happy Birthday card and the other student gave me a smiley face ball with a birthday card. I also got lots of hugs and high fives from my kiddos. They are all so nice, they helped make my birthday so special! I love being a teacher! :) These children are the best!

Tomorrow I have the whole day off of work. Alan has his last day of swim lessons for the summer most likely and his little ceremony. I am so excited for him, it would be awesome if he passed Sunfish and could start a brand new level next summer! I cannot wait to see! In the meantime, keep an eye out for Alan's swimming photos tomorrow. I have a few that I want to share with you. I am so excited!


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