YMCA Cheer Camp 2013

This week I helped teach the Y cheer camp. We worked with a group of 20+ girls ages 4 to 8 years old, 4 which were from my previous gymnastics camp, and we taught them basic cheers and dance moves. We named ourselves the YMCA Dynamite Cheer Squad (my idea lol). Let me tell you, their name describes them perfectly! These girls are for sure DYNAMITE!! Today they performed for their parents and they did FANTASTIC!! I am so proud of all of them! They even performed it without us! Good job girlies!

I only was able to get a group photo of them, I need to start taking my own class photos and videos! Bad teacher, bad lol! Here is the cute photo I took! Such a great group of gals!

Baby Benton is doing great by the way! They were allowed to go home yesterday and have spent most of today resting. My mom will be staying with them to get them settled in. I got a BRAND new batch of photos today too. Auntie Jillian is quite happy now! Dunno though, I might still have to walk up to Missoula lol. I really want to hold this little man. 


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