A Trip to Geyser Park

This weekend we went to Geyser Park with Grandma Melanie, Uncle Kalvin and his friend Gabe. It was a overcast day so we didn't want to go to a park or any outside place, so we were thinking of taking the boys to the Reef, an indoor water park on the west end of town. But after asking the boys, they decided that Geyser Park would be more fun.

Once we got there, Grandma Melanie took Miss Anna for their grandma and granddaughter bonding time lol, and I took the boys to play. We tried to keep them inside as much as possible so we bought a bunch of arcade tokens and set them free. Alan only wanted to play the big kid games that didn't win you any tickets, so I cheated and didn't put in tokens for those games lol. :P Instead I used his tokens and played the games with tickets that were next to him. I know, I know, bad parent alert lol! But I knew he would get soooooo mad if the other boys got to pick out a prize and he didn't so I had too. 

After a while, everyone got bored of playing the games and the older two boys wanted to play laser tag. We all waited in line and Alan got really excited to go as well. But when I asked the attendant, he told me Alan was too little to go. This devastated Alan, he was so upset the guy called him little. :( I had to convince him that he wasn't too little, just only for this game, and that he was still a big boy. It took a while but he eventually calmed down and we were able to go through the crawling tubes a few times while the boys played their game of laser tag. Alan was happy that Anna was out of my tummy, he said, because I could now crawl through the tubes with him lol. :P Silly little boy.

Then we took the boys outside for one ride only, either the go carts or the bumper boats. They all chose the go carts but once we got up there, we were again told by the attendant that the boys were too little to go alone. And I could only ride with one of them so we decided that the bumper boats would be fun. Alan and I went on one boat and the boys each got their own. The attendant told me to not let go of the throttle but didn't say why lol. Well we quickly found out why when Uncle Kalvin slammed into our boat and I let go. The motor dies lol! :) So there we were, floating in the middle of the pool, stranded lol. After trying to restart it several times myself and almost falling in during the process lol, I managed to paddle us to the edge where the attendant started ours back up. But by that point, Alan was already traumatized by the whole situation and wanted to get out. 

So we went back inside and played a few more arcade games. Alan played this fishing game that won him fifty tickets in one try! Then he played this other game a few times and won 31 tickets each time! I was blown away! He won more tickets than I did for him lol! Good job lucky little man! When we cashed in his tickets, he had 200-something tickets total and was able to buy three pull back racecars and a tattoo. He was so proud of himself! :)

We had a good time there and even missed the rain completely! Yes! Another fun trip with the boys!


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