Happy Independence Day!!

Happy Independence Day everyone! 

Today I am thankful for everyone in the military who fight to give us our freedom. We have several family members who are in the military. My aunt and my two cousins are active in the Air Force. And of course there's Uncle Cameron, Uncle Tyler and Uncle Aaron who are all in the Army Reserve. Lastly, we have Uncle Chris who was stationed in California for the Navy (where Lon almost went). We are thankful for everyone in the military though! :D

I also want to send a super special shout out to my loved ones in Townsend. To the Kimmel family, Welch family and Clarkson family: we miss you guys and love you all so very much! Wish we could be celebrating Independence Day at the beautiful Canyon Ferry Lake as is family tradition. We can't wait to see all of you again (maybe Thanksgiving? Or definitely next Independence Day!). Hope you guys have a safe and fantastic fourth of July! We love you! :)

Aunt April, Aunt Natalie, Mary, cousin Lexi and I last summer at Canyon Ferry Lake

For our fourth celebrations, we plan on going up to Castlerock Park for the local church's fourth of July barbecue celebration. It was that for fireworks or drive all the way out to Laurel, which was something I really didn't want to do lol. So we will go to the barbecue for dinner, play all the fun games and stuff they have there and then possibly stay for the fireworks. Last year, Alan fell asleep during the fireworks and they didn't affect him whatsoever. But he was inside a house. The year before that, he had MAJOR issues with the fireworks, they scared him so bad. So we will play those by ear this year. :) We hope to meet up with either Kelsie and Kelton or Heather, Tatum and Baby Cordelia or even all five of them! Should be lots of fun!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy fourth of July! Happy birthday America!


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