Month in Review: June 2012

I announced this month that I would not be posting as much this week, due to the closeness of my delivery date. Even though I didn't post too much, we still did quite a lot this month. Here is some of the stuff that we did:

June meant the five year anniversary of my daughter Rosalie's birthdate. To celebrate, Alan and I made cupcakes for her and released five pink balloons to the heavens. It was a beautiful moment for us. :) We also celebrated Alan's friend Tatum's third birthday by going to her Hawaiian themed party. Then there was cousin Sophie's second birthday party at Pioneer Park. Alan and Kalvin had a blast playing in the wading pool there. We also made Lon's Father's Day a very special day for him as well.

It was also the start of summer, so we spent lots of time outside doing fun new activities. Grandma Melanie took Alan and Uncle Kalvin with me to Geyser Park to play mini golf, bumper boats and go carts. I also introduced Alan to sidewalk chalk, which he loved. It was his first time ever and he covered Grandma's sidewalk (not to mention his butt lol) in a beautiful Alan masterpiece. We finished out the month with a monster truck rally with Uncle Kalvin and his friend Gabe.

I wrote about two main things this month. I decided that when Anna was born, I would have guest bloggers post for me so I asked for some volunteers. And after watching a very intriguing documentary, I discussed my opinion on Nature v.s. Nurture. Check out both these posts, they are worth reading! :D

However, I did post a lot about Anna and the end of this pregnancy. I went through my 34-37 weeks of pregnancy. Here is my post about my 34th week, 35th week, 36th week and 37th week. I also had an ultrasound to check on Anna's weight, which I am happy to say that she is the right weight that she is supposed to be! Yes! Finally, I posted my birth plan for everyone to see lol. I'm pretty confident that it will help us get the labor and delivery we want!

So, that's what happened to the Andersen family last month. Can't wait for this month and all it brings, including the arrival of Miss Anna! Stay tuned everyone!


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