Spending Time with Aunt Ariel (Through Pictures)

Aunt Ariel and Grandma Amber will be leaving for Utah on July 7th for about a month, so we have been trying to spend as much time with them as possible before they leave. Yesterday, I took Alan and Ariel to Westwood Park to play in the setting sun, the only option for me to get outside these days lol. :P The whole park was luckily shaded and it made for a great time to play! Aunt Ariel's neighbor even joined us and the two of them chased Alan around with him squealing in total enjoyment. :)

Here are some shots from the fun. :)

Going down the twisty slide!

Digging in the sand with Aunt Ariel

He can finally do this all on his own! So proud!

Taking a break and a drink :)
Another baby update: No she's not here lol but almost! Last night I had contractions every four minutes for four hours straight and then they just stopped. We even called Labor and Delivery to give them a heads up and set up a night time sitter for Alan, that's how serious we thought it was lol! But she decided she wanted to wait lol, so I am still pregnant. :) I also had my maternity pictures with Jenelle on the Rims today. Lon, Alan and I all went so that we could get some cute couple and family shots and even though Alan was a little rowdy and more interested in playing than getting pictures taken, I think we got some great shots. Jenelle said they should be ready in about a week, after she Photoshops them so they look professional. :) I will post them as soon as I get them. Can't wait!


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