Happy First Birthday Fayth!

Today is Alan's cousin Fayth's first birthday.

Fayth at her birthday party

Fayth was born to my cousin Josh and his wife Randi. We have only met her once since her birth because they live out of town but I am great friends with Randi. Randi is almost nine months pregnant right now and we were pregnant together for most of my pregnancy. They are having a little boy instead of a girl though and are due in August. Throughout our pregnancies, Randi and I got really close. I love Fayth so much and hope that we will be able to get together more often now that we have kids close together. :)

For her birthday, they are having her party at a park in Laurel this Friday. We got her an adorable dress and some bath toys that Alan picked out just for her (or maybe himself lol). :) Depending on the heat, we might go and I really want to but we have to think of Princess lol. I know that Alan wants to go too but if we can't we will just see Fayth when her baby brother is born. 

Happy birthday beautiful girl! Lon, Alan, Anna, and I love you so very much!


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