We Love Sprinklers!!

Monday was surprisingly a nice cool 78 degree day. Being a little stir crazy myself and desiring some Vitamin D, I texted my mother that we should go to a park. :) We decided to take Uncle Kalvin and Alan to Terry Park for their water park and playground. Alan thought we were going to the Oasis at first but when he found out we were going somewhere else, he told me he didn't want to go. I convinced him that the sprinklers would be fun, but he told me that he hated sprinklers lol. :P Silly boy! My mom and I hoped that because it was a cooler day and a Monday, there wouldn't be too many people there. We were thankfully lucky, as there were only three other families there.

After sunscreening the boys and giving Anna to Grandma Melanie, the three of us went out into the sprinklers. Alan instantly forgot about not liking the sprinklers and got soaked pretty quickly. He ran through all of the sprinklers and was the youngest one there! He ran with all of the big kids still and had a great time. My kid is fearless! :D

Uncle Kalvin quickly wore out and was a little cold from the water, so he took a break with Grandma Melanie and Anna, who were sitting together in the shade. After a while, he asked Grandma if he could hold her and she said yes, as long as he sat. So he held her for the first time and was so proud of himself. I can already tell that he loves his niece so much. :)

Alan eventually got tired and cold from the water, so we came in to take a little break. We drank juice bags and had granola bars. Then I took the boys to the playground to blow off more energy lol. Alan ran around with Uncle Kalvin and tried the bridge but kept slipping on it. He got used to it after a while, I never figured out why it kept making him slip though. There were other kids using the monkey bars and Alan wanted to join in. I had to convince him that he would have to wait until he was a little bigger, or Lon was around lol. :P He was distracted pretty quickly by the slides though.

Alan really enjoyed climbing up the ladder to the slide and then racing Uncle Kalvin down the side by side slide. Then the boys started playing Pirates and Alan was the captain of the ship. He "drove" the ship around and told Uncle Kalvin to walk the plank a bunch lol. It was pretty cute. :) He kept calling Uncle Kalvin "Smee" like the character from the Peter Pan stories, which I thought was just hilarious. Those boys had so much fun playing on the playground, they didn't want to leave when it was time to go home and feed Anna.

What a great cool day for playing outside! I hope there are more cool days to come, Anna and I really enjoyed getting outside in the sun!


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