The Darling Dozen: Week by Week! Third Week

My Princess is growing like a weed! I can't even believe that she used to be that tiny six pound baby girl, she is already almost seven pounds in total! Her whole body looks bigger! Makes me so happy! :D

This weekend we don't really have anything planned but I do want to take Alan to a park or something. This past week we pretty much spent at home, except for Monday. But it was nice to get the house cleaned up and back together. Its hard to do with two kids lol! :) When one is awake, the other is sleeping lol!

Here is this week's Darling Dozen!

Week: Third Week

Weight: 6 pounds and 13 ounces (Yay back to birth weight!)

Height: 21 inches 

Developments: Anna has found her voice and boy, is it loud! She has started using her voice to let us know when she wants anything. She can go from little wail to screeching in about two seconds too lol. Ooooh boy! She is also ready for more complex shapes (bye-bye circles, hello zigzags!) as her vision, ability to focus, and concentration improve rapidly. She might be really digging her mobile now or a soft toy waved in front of her face.

New Achievements This Week: Anna continues to shock us with her strong little neck! She loves her tummy time! She will hold her neck up for so long now! It just blows are mind that her tiny little neck can hold up that heavy of a head! What a big girl!

How's Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is still going great for us. I am so relieved she is not like her brother in this one aspect lol! ;) She has started cluster feeding this week so currently she nurses every half hour to two hours, for about 10-40 minutes on either side. She also likes to feed on both sides now (which I know she is supposed to already be doing that but we are proud that she has started). She is a nursing champ! 

Colic: Still no colic! Yes! 

Jaundice: She no longer is yellow looking, so I am pretty sure the jaundice is gone! We will find out for sure at her doctor's appointment August first but I am no longer stressing or worried about it. Such a relief! Wahoo! :D 

Places Anna has Been: Walmart, Albertson's, Grandma Melanie's house, Grandma Amber's house, Village Inn, 5Star MMA, Pioneer Park, Applebee's, Rimrock Mall and Oasis Waterpark

Alan reading to Anna 

Umbilical Cord: Fell of this last Wednesday! There is still a little scab on the belly button but its almost all gone! She has the cutest belly button ever too! Just like Alan's! 

Bathing: We have yet to give Anna her first bath at home, but she has been washed down with a washcloth several times. Her doctors say to wait to submerge her belly in water until her umbilical cord falls off and we want to wait until all the scabs are off as well. Hopefully sometime next week! 

Best Moment This Week: Its a tie between my birthday party at the Oasis and seeing Alan read the only book he knows how to read to his baby sister.  

How's Big Brother: Alan is still doing a wonderful job at being a big brother. He always helps grab things for me while I am breastfeeding her and will even help calm her down when she is upset. He likes to sing this little song to her: "Its okay, baby girl" over and over until she stops crying. And the other day, I ran to the bathroom and had Anna in her bouncy chair. When I got back Alan was sitting in front of her, reading her his ABC book and showing her pictures. It melted my heart! :) He also learned how to put her pacifier in her mouth and how to help hold it in for her.

We are so blessed to have Alan and Anna in our lives. I feel like I won the lottery with them! Man, I just love my children. :)


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