The Darling Dozen: Week by Week! Second Week

This week seems like it has gone by so fast for us! I feel like I have gotten the hang of having two children and keeping a house clean. Whoever said to me that having two kids is really hard apparently has never met my wonderful children. Anna and Alan work so well together, I am still waiting for it to get hard lol. :P Disclaimer: I know it will *eventually* become difficult but I am optimistic about the situation currently.

This weekend is going to be an exciting one for us. Great Grandma Audrey, Grandma Amber and Aunt Ariel will be back from Utah on Saturday so we will be going over to their house so that they can meet Anna. Also, Monday is my birthday and Tuesday is my mother's so on Sunday Aunt Natalie will be driving down from Missoula to visit. It will also be the first time she will get to meet Anna. We are all very excited! :D

Here is this week's Darling Dozen! Enjoy!

Week: Second Week

I love her beautiful eyes!

Weight: 6 pounds and 11 ounces 

Height: 21 inches 

Developments: Anna has definitely started her "Second Week Cluster Feedings" that everyone has been reminding me about. She eats every one to two hours in the daytime and every three hours at night. Its crazy! She also has had more periods of so called quiet wakefulness were she just stares at us with her big beautiful steely blue eyes. We love to talk to her and coo at her during these times! :D

New Achievements This Week: Anna continues to shock us with her strong little neck! She loves her tummy time! 

Loving tummy time and her hand!

How's Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is still going great for us. I am so relieved she is not like her brother in this one aspect lol! ;) Currently she nurses every hour or two, for about 10-40 minutes on either side. She is a nursing champ! 

 Colic: Still no colic! Yes! 

 Jaundice: She no longer is yellow looking, so I am pretty sure the jaundice is gone! Wahoo! :D 

 Places Anna has Been: Walmart, Albertson's, Grandma Melanie's house, Grandma Amber's house, Village Inn, 5Star MMA, Pioneer Park, Applebee's, and Oasis Waterpark

Sleeping on Daddy

Umbilical Cord: Fell of this last Wednesday! There is still a little scab on the belly button but its almost all gone! She has the cutest belly button ever too! Just like Alan's! 

Bathing: We have yet to give Anna her first bath at home, but she has been washed down with a washcloth several times. Her doctors say to wait to submerge her belly in water until her umbilical cord falls off and we want to wait until all the scabs are off as well. Hopefully sometime next week!

Best Moment This Week: All the time spent with my two kids and watching them love on each other!

How's Big Brother: Alan is still doing a wonderful job at being a big brother. He always helps grab things for me while I am breastfeeding her and will even help calm her down when she is upset. We brought Anna's first toys out the other day and though he had some issues at first, he eventually understood that those were her toys and he needed to show her them and play with her with them. Of course we weren't too worried about it, Anna is still too little to care about toys but it was good lesson regardless.

Holding Mama and Daddy's hands while she sleeps
I have a lot coming up on my blog this week, so keep your eyes peeled lol! Have a great weekend everyone!


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