Anna Has Arrived!!!

She is finally here! Yay! We are so excited!!!!! :D

Anna, Day one

She was born two minutes before midnight on July 7th. I labored for 29 hours (nineteen hours less than I labored with Alan, thank goodness). She weighs 6 pounds and 13 ounces (a pound less than Alan) and is 20 inches long (a half inch shorter than her brother, they are almost birth twins). She is just so precious, I can barely stand it!

Anna, Day two

Alan met her for the first time yesterday and is as smitten as we are! He brought her a pink dragon he picked out for her and couldn't stop giving her kisses. He is a great helper too so far and is always willing to help bring me stuff for her! How lucky did I get with these kids??? :D I feel so endlessly blessed!

I just had to post this one of her froggie legs!

We just got home today and are finally reunited with Alan officially again (he has been staying with my parents for the past few days, so Lon could stay at the hospital and help me at nights) and I do have to say that it is one of the best feelings in the world right now! I am looking forward to a regular day with my family tomorrow. :D I will post a more in depth birth story and a sibling meeting story asap, but for now I am going to enjoy this beautiful girl and her brother and father. Please tune in for my Guest POV posts though!


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