A New Gymnastics Studio for BGS!

Alan's and Uncle Kalvin's gymnastics studio recently moved to the west end side of town. They purchased a much larger space then they originally had at their old studio, where they can have more classes running at once. We did not have gymnastics last week due to the actual moving, so Alan was quite excited to have class this week and to see the new studio. I was pretty excited too actually, being a gymnastics teacher myself. And let me tell you, they did a nice job picking it out! This space is perfect for them!

Alan (in black and brown) at circle time in class
The space is soooooo big! They now have room for a bigger tumble track, a long vault system built into the middle of the gymnasium, two beam stations, a floor routine station, a separate bar station for the boys and the girls, their zip line, and they STILL have room for the Gym Kids (Alan's age group) to have several classes set up with different gymnastics obstacles at each! Oh I love it so much now! Part of me wishes that this was the YMCA's gymnasium, but I know that once we get our new gymnasium I will be so happy too! We have great plans for the Y gymnastics program coming up as well!

See the HUGE vault track they have now?? That's where the little girl in the purple is running
The also doubled their parent viewing areas. They used to have a smaller lobby were parents can sit, but we could only ever see about half of the gymnasium. Now, there is a lobby viewing area (still small but much nicer) and an upstairs open viewing area that allows you to see the whole gymnasium! Oh it is so big too! Anna and I went up there to watch because well, let's face it, my daughter is LOUD. She would scream and shout in the lower viewing area and it was too loud and echoey. We got a lot of looks lol. But upstairs, she could shout and talk to her heart's desire and the noise mixed in with the rest of the classes going on in the gymnasium. She also loved that there were bars instead of a big wall, she could stand and still see the classes going on. Little Miss cannot wait until she is old enough to do gymnastics herself, I think that I will be putting her in the Rock, Tumble and Roll parent/child classes we have at the Y in the next three months. She would love it!

I just cannot get over how big the whole place is now! It looks so awesome! They are also doing gymnastics photos at the end of the month. I need to decide if I want to buy some for Alan, or if I should just wait until he is on the boy's team here. They are a little spendy but they come with both a action shot and a posed shot. I am still on the fence right now lol.

Alan (in black and brown) practicing the beam with his class

Alan also loves the new studio. He told me he has never had so much fun in class lol! He cannot wait for next week now, he asks me everyday if its time for gymnastics again. What a silly boy! Uncle Kalvin thought the place was pretty sweet too, but my mom had his time wrong so he only was in class for maybe ten minutes. He cannot wait to go back either lol!

The kiddos are still sick. :/ Yesterday, Anna had her well child check up appointment and her doctor determined that she is teething, has only a cold (thankful its not the flu) and has an ear infection. Yet, she didn't think that she needed to postpone her vaccinations until next time, which is fine but not fun for us. Since then, I have had one very emotional, very clingly, very grumpy little girl with a low grade fever whose nose won't stop running. Poor girl! She has been miserable lately! I finally gave in and gave her some honey for her cough and tylenol for her fever. I never give this girl medicine and she hated it. Probably made it worse. Ugh. :/ Hoping she feels better soon! Mama has been exhausted all week and it doesn't look like its gonna clear up anytime soon. Blah!


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