Happy Birthday Lon!

Happy birthday to the love of my life, the best husband ever, the greatest dad in the world and one of the hardest working men you will ever meet! Happy birthday Lon! We love you so much!

Lon and Uncle Chase playing in the snow last year.
Today is Lon's birthday. Although we are not living together currently because we lost our house a couple weeks ago in court, I want to make a big point to make his birthday very special. Because the fact of the matter is, Lon is a very special guy. He is very hardworking, very dedicated in life, very caring, one of the most loving guys you will ever meet! He remembers the little details in life, like my favorites and the kids' friend's birth dates. He will do just about anything for his family or his loved ones, give the shirt off of his back or his food to someone if they need it. And he is seriously the best father to my children. They love him to the stars and back several times! He is always playing with Alan, taking the time to really get into their play storyline. I have a feeling that he will be that dad who's daughter convinces him to dress up and play tea time! He is so in love with his kids and they love him right back! 

Happy birthday baby!

Lon, Anna and Aunt Ariel at Easter brunch this year.

As for our relationship, we have been together for five years now, married for almost two and a half years. I have never been in a relationship with anyone else for longer! I love him so much. We may have our good times and our bad but in the end, he will always stand by my side. He is my best friend and my lover, he supports me when no one else will, he is the only one I tell all of my secrets too. People always say we are such a great couple, but I know that we are not perfect, no one is. But we try, everyday and every night, to truly LOVE each other. And that is what matters. I love you Lon, so much more then you will every know!

Happy birthday sweetheart. 

The happy couple at our Fourth of July lunch date. 

Today for Lon's birthday, we are going to take Alan and Anna to this new Lego store in town, cleverly called Bricks and Mini Figs. It is totally Lon's favorite store right now and Alan is convinced that it is the real Lego Land (wait until he gets to go to the REAL one someday lol). We will give him Alan's card that he made for his daddy, get him whatever he wants at the store and maybe go have cupcakes afterwards. Lon told me that we cannot spend any money on him for his birthday, considering our current situation, but I think that is pretty lame sauce. I mean, when is it okay to do something like that? Its his birthday, he's crazy and too generous, I am going to spoil him! :) We were going to take the Iron Man 3 route for his birthday, but I think that Anna is still just a little bit too young to enjoy that and I want everyone to have a great time! I am thinking about calling ahead to BaMF and seeing if they do anything special for birthdays. I know they have a huge party that they will do, but its only for the four of us. I am just so determined to make this birthday for him a memorable event for this family. 

Happy birthday babe! We love you so very much. I hope this birthday is the best by far for you and the kids! Love youuuuuuu! Tune in tomorrow to see how awesome his birthday went!


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