Celebration Weekend with the Family

I love spending time with my family, like just love every moment of it. When my family is all together, I am like a kid at Christmas. I seriously have never been more happy then when I am surrounded by my husband, daughter and son, sisters, brother, parents and all of my lovely cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents! I cannot fully explain it, its like they all have pieces of my heart and it just the greatest feeling when I'm whole again. ;) Plus, my family is just so awesome, unique, loud, hilarious and full of so much love and life! Who wouldn't want to be around us??????

This weekend was Lon's birthday, as well as Uncle Aaron's and Great Uncle Rick's birthdays. We had a lot of celebrating to do, needless to say lol. A lot of family time together, my favorite thing! Rather then give you a play-by-play of how our weekend went, I think I will just DUMP some photos on y'all! Enjoy!

For Lon's birthday, we took him to his new favorite store, Bricks and Mini Figs. Its like a local Lego Land for us, it was so cool! They have so many different things there for all types of Lego lovers! Alan and Lon were in toy heaven lol!

Alan looking through the mini figurine bins to make the perfect Lego guy!

Anna really wanted to look too! Here she is, fighting Daddy while he makes a Lego guy for Alan lol.

I did get lucky and was able to take a good photo of the three of them together at the bins lol.

Anna finally found the big Legos that she could actually play with herself lol. She had a blast knocking down everything Mama built for her!

Saturday was Great Uncle Rick's birthday party and their Open House for their nice new place they had recently purchased. Lon had to work, so we went up with my family. We watched the Griz game and had the Cat game on the smaller tv for Great Uncle Rick's friends lol. For those of you who aren't Montanans, the greatest rivalry you will ever see is between the Montana State University Bozeman Bobcats and the University of Montana Grizlie Bears lol. I am totally serious. My family, personally, are Grizlie fans because Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake attend U of M. :) As you can tell by Anna's onesie, bought for us by Aunt Natalie herself. Hey Nat, Alan's shirt is too small, he needs a new shirt to rep!

The boys playing with Great Uncle Rick's puppy, Misty. All the kids love her so much!

Grandma Melanie with our Baby Griz Anna! ;)

Great Uncle Rick's house is soooooooooooo nice! Its huge and has a huge multi-leveled yard with an adorable garden and even a pumpkin patch! There is even a special kid's room for their granddaughter Sophie, Alan and Anna's second cousin. The kids spent the majority of the time in there. But not Miss Anna. She explored the whole house, checked out all the bathrooms, had to say hello to every one of Great Aunt Carolyn's porcelin dolls, climbed the stairs several thousand times, had to look in each and every closet and even tried to use the puppy dog's door! She loved the height of their windows at the back of the house, they were just her height!

We also got to see the kids' other cousin Fayth! It has been so long since we had seen her, I think I was still pregnant with Anna lol! I love now that all of my cousins and I are all grown up, getting married and having kids. Its the coolest! I love all of my cousins' kiddos, we go by Aunt Jillian and Uncle Lon with them too. In my family, if you're a cousin, you might as well be a sibling lol. :) We are just that close!

How did your weekend go? Did you get in some much needed family time?


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