Three Years of Blogging
As of today, I have had this blog running for three years. A lot has happened in those three years, both in my real life and in the blogging community. Lon and I were married, Anna was born, we moved several times, had a few different cars and I became an Aunt. I also befriended many wonderful people in the blogging world, was awarded two blogging awards, have changed my blog's name, have helped raise awareness about many different campaigns and have developed this blog into something more then just a place to keep my memories. The relationships I have made with other bloggers is very special to me, without this blog I may never have met such wonderful people from all around America and the rest of the world.
This blog has become something new to me too, as of late.
I have always tried to keep this blog positive but with all of the recent court dates and the loss of our house, this blog has become a sort of a coping tool for me. Especially right after the court date, when I felt numb and full of rage towards one specific person, I felt like I could vent most of my frustrations on this blog. I feel like many of you readers do care about my family and I. When I am able to share my feelings and thoughts on here without prejudice, it is very beneficial to me. This is not a forum of judgement, like Facebook and Twitter and even Instagram seem to be. Cyber bullying runs rampant these days, even adults are victims of it. It is very easy to say something offensive online, safely at home, rather then say something offensive in person. I have read too many troll posts on Facebook and have even been bullied on there before. All for speaking my mind and sharing my opinion. By people I don't even know! It is definitely weird. But on here, my readers support me. I feel like I can share a lot of my thoughts on this blog, and no one will harass me for them. It is a great thing and I think it has played a big role in the improvement of this blog and my writing.
I do not have any special things this year for my blog. Boo, I know but I still like how every thing is running currently. I am pleased with the way this blog is going. Plus with everything that has been happening in my family's personal lives, I haven't had much time for any big changes. Instead, I figured I would participate in an A to Z Survey about myself and the family! I will include answers from each of us! I will even make it real fun and have Miss Anna's answers come from Mister Alan himself. I love the things he says about his sister! This should be cute! Enjoy! Happy three year Blogiversary to me!
Jillian: 24 years old
Lon: 26 years old
Alan: 4 years old
Anna: 1 year old
E-Essential Item
Jillian: Chapstick
Lon: Handyman Gear
Alan: Toys and a sword
Anna: Diapers and a snack
Jillian: Chocolate
Lon: Sugar in General
Alan: Candy
Anna: Fruit
M-Money Spent
Jillian: Dinner
Lon: Groceries
Alan: Toys
Anna: Nothing she's a baby!
Jillian: “Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” -Tao Te Ching
Lon: "The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane." -Nikola Tesla
Alan: "Cowabunga!" -Ninja Turtles
Anna: "Alan!!!" -Anna
Jillian: I work in over six different departments at my job!
Lon: I hope to someday own the pizza parlor that has been in my family for three generations.
Alan: I do cool poses and save people!
Anna: I am a good baby dancer!
Y-Yesterday's Highlight
Jillian: Hearing the good news about Uncle Jake and Alan's hip hop solo!
Lon: Spending time with my wife and children
Alan: Preschool, hip hop and eating dinner
Anna: Seeing Daddy!
Happy third Blogiversary to me and my blog! I hope for many more years of blogging to come! A special thank you goes out to all my awesome readers and supporters! I love you all so much! You are all wonderful!
This blog has become something new to me too, as of late.
I have always tried to keep this blog positive but with all of the recent court dates and the loss of our house, this blog has become a sort of a coping tool for me. Especially right after the court date, when I felt numb and full of rage towards one specific person, I felt like I could vent most of my frustrations on this blog. I feel like many of you readers do care about my family and I. When I am able to share my feelings and thoughts on here without prejudice, it is very beneficial to me. This is not a forum of judgement, like Facebook and Twitter and even Instagram seem to be. Cyber bullying runs rampant these days, even adults are victims of it. It is very easy to say something offensive online, safely at home, rather then say something offensive in person. I have read too many troll posts on Facebook and have even been bullied on there before. All for speaking my mind and sharing my opinion. By people I don't even know! It is definitely weird. But on here, my readers support me. I feel like I can share a lot of my thoughts on this blog, and no one will harass me for them. It is a great thing and I think it has played a big role in the improvement of this blog and my writing.
I do not have any special things this year for my blog. Boo, I know but I still like how every thing is running currently. I am pleased with the way this blog is going. Plus with everything that has been happening in my family's personal lives, I haven't had much time for any big changes. Instead, I figured I would participate in an A to Z Survey about myself and the family! I will include answers from each of us! I will even make it real fun and have Miss Anna's answers come from Mister Alan himself. I love the things he says about his sister! This should be cute! Enjoy! Happy three year Blogiversary to me!
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Alan and I when I first started blogging, October 2010 |
The Three Year Blogiversary
A to Z Family Survey
Jillian: 24 years old
Lon: 26 years old
Alan: 4 years old
Anna: 1 year old
B-Best Friend
Jillian: Jenelle
Lon: Jason
Alan: Kelton
Anna: Benton
C-Currently Craving
Jillian: Spaghetti
Lon: Peanut Butter Pretzels
Alan: Corn Dog
Anna: Pizza
D-Day of Choice
Jillian: Sunday, its family day!
Lon: Sunday, I don't work and I get to spend time with my wife and children
Alan: The whole weekend, so he can play!
Anna: Any day she gets to be with Alan!
E-Essential Item
Jillian: Chapstick
Lon: Handyman Gear
Alan: Toys and a sword
Anna: Diapers and a snack
F-Favorite Color
Jillian: Purple
Lon: Navy Blue
Alan: Red and Blue
Anna: Pink and Purple
G-Game of Choice
Jillian: Cranium
Lon: Anything as long as I am playing it with my kids
Alan: Connect Four, Angry Birds Star Wars
Anna: Peek-a-Boo
Jillian: Billings, Montana
Lon: Ogden, Utah
Alan: Billings, Montana
Anna: Billings, Montana
Jillian: Chocolate
Lon: Sugar in General
Alan: Candy
Anna: Fruit
Jillian: Dance and Gymnastics Teacher
Lon: Manager at Village Inn Pizza Parlor
Alan: Superhero or Batman
Anna: Beautiful Princess
Jillian: 3 children, a boy and 2 girls
Lon: 2 children, a boy and a girl
Alan: Wants 5 kids, 5 boys when he is grown up
Anna: Wants 5 kids, 5 boys when she is grown up
Jillian: The computer desk
Lon: Running errands
Alan: Eating dinner at the dinner table
Anna: Sleeping in her crib
M-Money Spent
Jillian: Dinner
Lon: Groceries
Alan: Toys
Anna: Nothing she's a baby!
N-Number of Siblings
Jillian: 4 siblings, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Lon: 5 siblings, 4 brothers and a sister
Alan: 2 siblings, 2 sisters
Anna: 2 siblings, a brother and a sister
O-One Wish
Jillian: To be together as a family again.
Lon: To have our family be together in our own home.
Alan: To have a super cool guy Halloween costume.
Anna: To become a beautiful princess someday!
Jillian: Spiders, Fish, Heights, Close Spaces
Lon: None
Alan: Monsters (Monster-phobia?)
Anna: Not being able to find her Mommy and Daddy
Jillian: “Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” -Tao Te Ching
Lon: "The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane." -Nikola Tesla
Alan: "Cowabunga!" -Ninja Turtles
Anna: "Alan!!!" -Anna
R-Random Fact
Jillian: I am obsessed with collecting elephant figurines
Lon: I invent things and customize toys in my spare time.
Alan: My brian has really cool plans!
Anna: I am very beautiful and smart and very cool!
S-Season of Choice
Jillian: Summer
Lon: Summer and Fall
Alan: Fall and Winter
Anna: Spring
T-Time you Woke up
Jillian: 8:00 AM
Lon: 9:00 AM
Alan: 9:10 AM
Anna: 9:45 AM
Jillian: I work in over six different departments at my job!
Lon: I hope to someday own the pizza parlor that has been in my family for three generations.
Alan: I do cool poses and save people!
Anna: I am a good baby dancer!
Jillian: Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Carrots, Green Peppers, Green Beans, Peas
Lon: Are Jalepeños vegetables?
Alan: Apples
Anna: Green Beans, Peas
W-Worst Habit
Jillian: Picking scabs off, I'm not very proud of it either
Lon: Biting his nails until they bleed
Alan: Asking a lot of questions
Anna: Nothing
Jillian: Dental XRays and a Chest XRay
Alan: Dental XRays as a preschooler and Chest XRay when he was a babe
Anna: None
Y-Yesterday's Highlight
Jillian: Hearing the good news about Uncle Jake and Alan's hip hop solo!
Lon: Spending time with my wife and children
Alan: Preschool, hip hop and eating dinner
Anna: Seeing Daddy!
Z-Zodiac Sign
Jillian: Leo
Lon: Libra
Alan: Virgo
Anna: Cancer
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Lon, Alan, Anna and I currently |
Happy third Blogiversary to me and my blog! I hope for many more years of blogging to come! A special thank you goes out to all my awesome readers and supporters! I love you all so much! You are all wonderful!
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