Make-Up Class, Gymnastics Style

The past few weeks Alan has been absent from his gymnastics classes unfortunately. For good reason though, with his great grandfather's passing a week ago and his great grandfather's funeral the following Monday. Both incidents happened on his gymnastics day, there was no way I could force him to go after that. Thankfully with the upcoming gymnastics showcase next week, his school allows make up classes. One of them was scheduled for yesterday morning and one is scheduled for the first week of November. We are used to afternoon classes, so the morning class was quite a change! There was only one other parent/toddler class going on at the same time! It was definitely quiet there lol!

Look at how small this class is! And no other classes except for the babies!

Alan dancing to warm up
Miss Anna was still quite tired, she barely woke up in time for us to leave so I left her in her pjamas. I also ended up bringing breakfast for her with us. Oh well! :) She was also not as lively as she usually is at his classes. Usually, Anna is trying to climb through the bars to jump down to join her brother's gymnastics class I assume. Or she tries to use her strength to break the bars, which never even budge lol. She is so silly! Today however, she lazily lounged from chair to chair. Occasionally she would hop down to watch brother but that was it. She didn't even get bored halfway through like she used to! Morning classes may be the new thing for us, if they work out this nicely for us lol.

They have pictures this weekend, I know that I mentioned them earlier in the month but we decided against them this year. I think we will wait and see if he sticks with gymnastics as he is older. If he does and joins the boys team at BGS, we will definitely get him some professional photos! But for now, this is more of a physical activity then a required sport. I do like that he enjoys it so much though! He may stick with it, or may just be a monkey for the rest of his life like his father is. I will be happy with either of those outcomes. :) I am quite excited for the gymnastics showcase next week though! I do not have to worry about getting a sub for work and hopefully Lon will be there. I am also very excited to be able to take some of my own gymnastics photos of him lol. I never said that he wouldn't have ANY photos from gymnastics right now, just not the professional ones. Plus I take so many photos already of him in class, but for the showcase I will have the chance to get individual action shots of him doing a skill. Like I said, I am very excited!

My monkey practicing his single bar swings for the showcase next week

Anna in her chair at class, she was still so sleepy!

I have also decided about what to do with Miss Anna when she is 18 months old. I originally was going to put her in YMCA Rock, Tumble, Roll parent and toddler class but I think I may wait until she is old enough to also go to BGS. I do have plans to start taking her to play at the YMCA Open Toddler Gym for an hour or so on Thursdays while Alan has preschool. I used to do a similar thing with Alan when he was her age, so it made sense for me to do it the same with her too. Was actually going to do it today, but totally spaced it until just now. Shoot! Oh well, we will start next week. I just know that she will love it! Plus it will knock her out by the time we get home so that she can have a nice long nap and I can get some cleaning and laundry done. Yes, totally doing this next week, why didn't I already do it today lol?????????? 


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