A Weekend Birthday Party and Other Thoughts

It snowed today! Well technically it started last night but it has yet to stop today. We are supposed to get another 2 or 3 inches before it gets dark out, and even possibly another 1-2 inches later tonight. For a total of seven possible inches of snow, we will probably have a WHITE Halloween lol! Oh well, I like the snow. I know we have a lot of people in town who hate it, but I am true Montanan. Snow means snow activities! My family sure loves our snow activities too! Plus it is just so gorgeous out! I love how just a little snow can suddenly make everything look so cozy and quaint. Love it! :D

However with that being said, I do usually try to stay off the roads during the snowstorms and the first day it snows if I can. Its also nice to enjoy it from inside at home, or out in your backyard too. ;) Please be warned, it is a little crazy to drive in (if you don't know how to) so I want everyone to be careful out there! Even the BPD is asking everyone to drive safely. They have been very busy today with car accidents. Drive safe and drive smart!

Saturday, the kids had a birthday party for two of their family friends Emma and Joseph. They had the party at the YMCA, I actually hosted the tumble part of the party lol. We had a great time! Especially Alan and Anna, I don't think they understood how much fun one of Mom's tumble parties can be! They both had so much fun and did so many things that once they got back home, they both fell sound asleep for a few hours! Exhausted kiddos from having such an awesome day! I'll take it!

Watching the birthday kids open their presents
Our tumble parties at the YMCA are pretty fun too. I have been running them for almost four years now and thus, have developed the parties individually so that they are the best parties we can offer. Each of these party involves our basic tumbling aspects, as well as some fun physical activities that get the kids' energy going! We start out letting the children free play and explore while guests are arriving to the party. Then I involve the children in a few activities, including going through the obstacle course (the obstacle course is currently is nature themed but I change it every six months), playing hide and go seek or freeze tag, playing a ballon game I developed, and finishing off with "flying" or using the zip line. We sing "Happy Birthday" and have cake. Then the birthday kid opens their presents. We finish up the party with more free playing and the zip line. The kids just LOVE my tumble parties!

Trampoline baby!

Alan and Anna have known Joseph and Emma for about three years now. I used to know Miss Emma when she was Anna's age and size! :) She has grown up so much since then. Their mama, Beverly, works with me at the YMCA. They are a great family, we so enjoyed the birthday party! Alan had so much fun playing with the big boys. And Miss Anna enjoyed being treated like a big girl and sitting at the girls table. It was a lot of fun for everyone! Thanks for the invite Beverly!

This week is a BIG week for Alan. Today is Alan's gymnastics showcase and Wednesday he has his first dance performance at the YMCA. We will be performing Michael Jackson's Thriller as is tradition. I am quite excited for him! Anna and I will be the only ones in the family who will be able to attend his gymnastics showcase today, because it is so early in the day. I do plan to film it and take lots of photos though, so everyone can still see how great he is getting at his gymnastics skills! And on Wednesday, I think he will have Dad, Grandma Melanie, Uncle Kalvin and Aunt April there to cheer him on, plus possibly some crew members from the Wreckingclowns dance crew! I will also film that performance. I cannot wait and I know that he can't either! :) Then Thursday will be Halloween and his preschool Halloween party, oh boy Alan has so much to do! I am so very excited for this to be an awesome week for my family and I! Even with a blanket of snow everywhere! ;)


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