Mom's Favorite Hand-Me-Down

I seriously love this hand-me-down sleeper! Aunt Natalie bought it for Alan in Missoula when he was about Anna's age. He wore it so much as a baby! Lol, I remember everyone always saying, "Why do you put him in that? Its soooooo girly!" Um, why do people instantly think "girl" when they see lots of colors??? I saw this and thought "hippie" right away! Anyways, I vowed to always save this sleeper and hand it down to each of my children... And maybe my nephew too, if he wants it! ;) But now, Miss Anna is finally big enough to wear it herself! I was so excited that I just had to take some photos of her on my phone! I apologize about the poopy images, it is stormy and rainy out today. 

But just look at that color! 

Bonus: Here is Alan in the same sleeper when he was a babe! Love it!

I just love the swirl pattern of the tie dye, its so cute! Okay, enough about this clothing item lol. I will post about something more... important to you I guess! :P Anyways, today my sweet nephew Benton under went surgery for a hydrocele hernia. He did very well in surgery, responded perfectly to the anesthesia and is tolerating the pain killers currently. They had to intubate and IV him because of the anesthesia, my poor sister! She probably was so worried, we both don't do well with needles or IVs at all. But our little man is such a trooper! Auntie is so proud of you Benton! I am sorry that you are achy but I cannot wait for you to get her on Sunday so that I can snuggle and make it all better! 


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