Some Things That Make Me Happy

Okay, I feel like lately with my grandfather's passing this blog has been quite hum and drum, sorta missing its gusto. In fact, that's almost exactly how I would describe myself too. Your blog really does reflect you in many ways, doesn't it? Blah... I like to think that the main reason is because we as a family just haven't been doing too much outside of work and Alan's school, but the REAL true reason is I have just had little motivation to write. I just don't feel like it too much lately, but I know that this is when I really should be blogging the most. I remember once, like around when I first started blogging, I was told by another amazing blogging mama that even on those days that you don't feel like writing, you should push yourself to, because those are the days when you will get your best writing. I need to remember this more often on those hard days. Because honestly, Wednesday was a hard day of writing and so was yesterday. But I still pushed through, still posted something. Even if I didn't think it was my best, it is there and it exists.

It matters.

So today, instead of struggling to find something to write about or not posting at all, I figured I would do a Favorites list of things that have made me very happy lately. Something nice and positive for everyone! Yay! Be prepared for it to be quite random though, I have a lot of different and various things that make me happy on occasion! This will be quite the ride!

I have been subbing and assisting teach in ballet a lot lately. Miss Alice asked me to help her in her Pre Ballet class, basically her ballerina babies class at the YMCA. One of her classes has nine baby ballerinas in it! My word that is a lot of little dancing feet! :) It has been such a joy for me to be helping teach ballet, I just adore the children and I love ballet so much. It has definitely been a workout for me, which is also beneficial. Also those jumps and turns have got my Mama thighs and calves a burning again lol! Good for the body and good for the soul.

Something else I found that was sooooooo, so very sad but very good for the soul too. This man photographed his wife through every stage of her cancer. I found this post about him first and was directed to his actual blog. This, this is true love right here. This is such a beautiful expression of true love, something that not only brought me to tears, but brought me to text my own sweet husband at work, just to tell him I love him. We should all love more like this man, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Whether our loved ones are healthy, or not so healthy like his wife was. They all deserve it don't they? I want to thank this man for once again reminding me to love fully and truly at all times, whether I feel like it or not. Because one day we will not be so lucky. Please take a moment to check out his blog and his non-profit organization against breast cancer.

Billings in the fall, just so lovely isn't it? I just had to share this on the blog too, I shared it on my Facebook page the other day. Thanks to the Billings Gazette for this beautiful sunset photo! This photo was taken over the Yellowstone River on the Rimrocks, looking out over the Billings downtown. Gah! Man I love where we live! That big clear sky and that bright beautiful sun overheard! Every season is just stunning here, we are so blessed to live in such a wonderful town! You can't go wrong with a scenic drive here!

This weekend we have family friends Joseph and Emma's birthday parties on Saturday. Alan will be going swimming and Anna will tumble with Emma and her friends. We are pretty excited! :) Sunday we plan on going on a trip to the pumpkin patch and corn maze with Aunt Ariel. She has babysat the kids for us several times without pay now, we totally owe her a fun day! Thanks Aunt Ariel, you are such an awesome aunt! We love you!

What does your weekend look like? Hope it is fantastic! Happy Friday everyone!


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